Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email
Spring 2000
World Futures

Urbanism Framework Document


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Information sources
Current Conditions
Expected future
Potential wildcards
Issues, dilemmas, choices
Key uncertainties
Alternative futures
Leading indicators

Issues, dilemmas, choices

  • The number of cars is increasing. Should authorities build more roads, develop public transportation and/or restrict car use?
  • How can the present transport infrastructure be most effectively and economically integrated?
  • Should authorities play a greater role in determining the shape of new private development, eg, restricting appearance and layout of new stores or requiring pedestrian-friendly features?
  • Can older developments be retro-fitted to meet current ideals. e.g., downtown buildings built in the 60s and 70s often have little at ground-level to interact with pedestrians. Can this be easily rectified?
  • Should incentives be given to developers to create in-fill housing and a variety of housing types rather than typical suburbs of large houses?
  • Should authorities create green-belts to preserve open land and restrict outward growth, with the knowledge that this can lead to rising property values?
  • How can redevelopment of run-down areas be best achieved without simply moving the current residents to another run-down area?

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Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email