Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email
Spring 2000
World Futures

Urbanism Framework Document


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Information sources
Current Conditions
Expected future
Potential wildcards
Issues, dilemmas, choices
Key uncertainties
Alternative futures
Leading indicators

Information sources


Manuel Castells. Professor of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley. Currently interested in the sociology of information technology, urban sociology, sociology of social movements, comparative sociology and author of Information Age: Economy Society and Culture among many other titles.

Mike Davis. A writer on the larger effects of and dangers to our current way of living. He has written mostly on Southern California, with books such as City of Quartz, and Ecology of Fear.

Andres Duany. A Florida-based "neo-traditional" planner and speaker who, with his wife Elizabeth Plater-Zybek, has designed many walkable towns based on the principles of new urbanism.

Peter Hall. Professor of Planning at the Bartlett School of Architecture, Building, Environmental Design and Planning at University College, London. A prolific writer on planning issues and history.

David Harvey. Professor of Geography, Johns Hopkins University. A prolific author, his interests include global urban development and the environment.

Richard Rogers. One of the world's best known architects, and an advocate of designing sustainable and pleasant cities.


Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, Oxford University Press, 1977. A set of patterns for the language of our built environment, ideas to bear in mind when arranging anything from a room to a city.

Joel Garreau, Edge City, Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1992. A great description of this phenomenon; the out-of-downtown commercial centres which spring up, often at the intersection of freeways (The area around Houston's Galleria, for example).

Mike Davis, City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles, Vintage Books, 1992. A vivid description of a dystopian LA, its disparity of wealth and the people in control.

Peter Hall, Cities of Tomorrow, Blackwell, 1996. Not really about the future at all, but a good round up of the people and ideas that have formed planning theory since the late 19th century. Mostly features America and Europe, but there are a few excursions further afield, such as New Delhi, Brasilia and Lima.

Raymond Unwin, Town Planning in Practice, Princeton Architectural Press, 1994. Originally published in 1909, it's the classic description of how to build towns and cities that are human in scale.

Richard Rogers, Philip Gumuchdjian, Cities for a Small Planet, Westview, 1998. Propositions for creating liveable and sustainable towns and cities that are a pleasure to live in without exploiting their local environment.

Edward W. Soja, Postmetropolis, Blackwell, 2000. The third in a trilogy, "it is the first comprehensive text in the growing field of critical urban and regional studies to deal with the dramatically restructured megacities that have emerged world-wide over the last half of the twentieth century."

Elizabeth Wilson, The Sphinx in the City, University of California Press, 1992. Looks "at some of the world's greatest cities ­ London, Paris, Moscow, New York, Chicago, Lusaka, and So Paulo ­ and presents a powerful critique of utopian planning, anti-urbanism, postmodernism, and traditional architecture."


Cities "The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning"

City "Analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action."

International Journal of Urban and Regional Research

Urban Affairs Quarterly No information available.

Urban Affairs Review "emphasises research and scholarly analysis on urban themes: urban life, metropolitan systems, urban economic development and urban policy. Historical and cross cultural perspectives add to its interdisciplinary features."

Electronic Sites

Best Practices Database A subscription-only database of solutions to urban problems from around the world.

Centre for Urban Technology - Links The University of Newcastle's CUT provides a comprehensive set of links relating to technology and the urban environment.

Cyburbia - Internet Resources for the Built Environment Vast collection of planning and architecture resources, including links, bulletin boards and many mailing lists.

Demographia - Demographics, Development Impacts, Market Research & Urban Policy A large collection of demographic charts based on urban developments.

Limiting Urban Futures A description of how "future studies limit urban futures," with links to futures/urban-related pages at the bottom of the page.

Planners Network Scroll down to find links to their bi-monthly newsletter featuring articles on urban issues around the world.


American Planning Association

Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis Based at University College London, CASA "develops emerging computer technologies in several disciplines which deal with geography, space, location and the built environment."

Congress for the New Urbanism Advocates cities suitable for pedestrians and public transport, neighbourhoods with a diversity of uses and inhabitants, and accessible public spaces.

International Society for City and Regional Planners A global association of professional planners.

Megacities 2000 Foundation A focus for knowledge about the worldıs cities with more than 10 million inhabitants.

Planners Network An association trying to bring about change in the environment in order to eliminate society's inequalities.


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Index of papers Phil Gyford: web | email