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  1. Coronagrifting: A Design Phenomenon | McMansion Hell

    On Dezeen, Designboom, etc. showing endless “designs” that are nothing more than a publicity-hungry Photoshop job. If only this was only a problem during Coronavirus. (via Pluralistic)

  2. UK Rave YouTube Comments (@UKRaveComments) / Twitter

    These are lovely. (via Imperica Web Curios)

  3. LEM Swap UK | Low End Mac

    Maybe this is a good place to find a home for some of those old OS/application CDs I still have… (via Ask MetaFilter)

  4. Formally Known As The Bollocks : John Peel Sessions

    Links to nearly all Peel Sessions on YouTube. (via several places)

  5. TV Chart

    Charting IMDb ratings of a TV show’s episodes over its seasons. I assume this is the same as the one that used to exist but had issues with the API? Anyway, I still like it. (via Imperica)

  6. The Movie Database (TMDb)

    “A community built movie and TV database” that I’d never heard of. Has an API.

  7. Using an iPad for Photography Workflows: A Complete Guide – The Sweet Setup

    I barely even look at photos on my iPad but I liked Marius Masalar’s guide.

  8. Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers –

    Excellent work. Also, that first “blobby” potrace attempt looks wonderfully 1990s Template Gothic-like. (via Waxy)

  9. Erin Maglaque · Inclined to Putrefaction: In Quarantine · LRB 9 February 2020

    Published in February, this review of a book about how 17th century Florence coped with the plague now seems very knowing.

  10. Empty sets - BBC Archive

    “Give your video calls a makeover, with this selection of over 100 empty sets from the BBC Archive.” Very good. (via @wonderlandblog)

  11. WIRED Union

    Excellent, Wired employees are unionising. US only, I assume? (via Pluralistic)

  12. Due to COVID-19: Documenting the signs of the pandemic

    I love the collecting of ephemeral things that otherwise escape this kind of more permanent attention. (via Waxy)

  13. Home | The Permanent Legacy Foundation

    A nonprofit charity (in the US) offering permanent online archiving.

  14. Library JSON - A Proposal for a Decentralized Goodreads

    I do like this general idea. My own site’s Reading section works for me but it’d be nice if it had the chance of connecting to other things via a nice data format.

  15. Matt Segal Dev - 3 ways to deploy a Django backend with a React frontend

    Just a nice high-level overview of three ways to do this (I never have and wasn’t sure of the options).

  16. All Things Linguistic - Part I - What is a Weird Internet Career?

    Gretchen McCulloch on how she ended up with her weird portfolio career as an internet linguist. (via Kottke)

  17. Will the Millennial Aesthetic Ever End?

    “If you simultaneously can’t afford any frills and can’t afford any failure, you end up with millennial design: crowd-pleasing, risk-averse, calling just enough attention to itself to make it clear that you tried.” (via FaveJet)

  18. How to get started with web development | Go Make Things

    I’d have no idea what to suggest to someone wanting to learn this stuff, but this looks like a great list for front-end development.

  19. A Life’s Work - Andrew Rowley | Off The Cuff - The Budd Blog

    This is just a nice little piece. The handful of times I’ve been there Mr Rowley has always been “jovial …, genteel and dry witted”.

  20. Several grumpy opinions about remote work at Tailscale - apenwarr

    I enjoyed this summary of different remote working tools for a small team. (via Simon Willison)

  21. HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript

    After so many years of needing jQuery for things, it’s taking a while for vanilla methods to stick in my brain. (via @simonw)

  22. More on service layers in Django

    I’ve enjoyed this and the previous post. In-depth enough to be useful, not so much i can’t follow it.

  23. Comics — Jeffrey Alan Love

    I love the comics and illustration work here. Shows what you can do with not much more than silhouettes. (via Warren Ellis)

  24. Inspiration & References

    Occasionally I check in on how the development of Citybound, a SimCity-style game, is going, and noticed the developer shared this nice collection of resources.

  25. #158 The Case of the Missing Hit | Reply All

    That is a gripping story (from “Super Tech Support” onwards). I am thankful for transcripts too. (via FaveJet)