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  1. How to write | SkyLightRain

    How Ben Moor, whose writing is lovely and hilarious, puts his books / scripts together.

  2. How Chan-Style Anonymous Culture Shapes #gamergate (with images, tweets) · a_man_in_black · Storify

    Really good on the clash of cultures between 4channers/GamerGaters and, well, normal people on Twitter. Other thoughts: Could this break out into media beyond Twitter? In what form? How would that affect society? (via @D_Nye_Griffiths)

  3. How to structure a Sass project

    Another thing I thought I’d bookmarked ages ago. This is pretty much what I do these days.

  4. Eloquent JavaScript

    I thought I’d bookmarked this a while ago, but it looks like I didn’t. On first glance seems like a good introduction to JavaScript. (via Tom Taylor)

  5. Suck: Daily - 26 November 1996

    On the closing of HotWired and the birth of Wired News. Lots of good phrases. “…who might have guessed that Death of the Net, Film at 11, only meant we were waiting for live video?”

  6. Garlic.js

    “Garlic.js allows you to automatically persist your forms’ text field values locally, until the form is submitted.”

  7. Sisyphus - Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more

    “Persist your form’s data in a browser’s Local Storage and never loose[sic] them on occasional tabs closing, browser crashes and other disasters!” Handy.

  8. Salary benchmarking for London 2014/2015 - Cogs Agency Cogs Agency

    Salaries and freelance rates for a variety of roles.

  9. Paul Ford on HTML5 and the World of Web Standards Bodies

    Nice description of how standards like HTML5 come to be, and why it’s important. (via Daring Fireball)

  10. Abacost - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Alternatives to the traditional suit jacket are always rather weighted with politics. Mobutu’s Abacost, the Mao suit, the Nehru jacket…

  11. Metafoundry 15: Scribbled Leatherjackets

    I’ve always been a little uneasy about the enthusiastic “makers are good, non-makers are bad” distinction that’s implicit in a lot of things in “our” world these days. Deb Chachra does a good job of explaining why. (via many people)

  12. Adam Shatz reviews ‘Congo’ by David Van Reybrouck · LRB 23 October 2014

    This stopped me… After a long account of decades of central African bloodshed, “the profits from ‘conflict minerals’ peaked [in 2000], fed by increased demand for mobile phones and the release of the Sony PlayStation 2.”David Van Reybrouck

  13. Francis FitzGibbon · Short Cuts · LRB 23 October 2014

    Interesting about exactly how much or little the Human Rights Act, which the Tories want to repeal, constrains the British government.

  14. 44 engineering management lessons

    A good list of things to do and not to do when managing engineers (although there’s lots that’s transferable). (via @kellan)

  15. The Rise of the Professional Cyber Athlete

    Interesting, long article about StarCraft II, profiling a professional Canadian player. (via @kevin2kelly)

  16. Breezie - the internet made easy | Communications | Products | Age UK

    An OS(?) on a Samsung tablet designed to be easy to use for people who don’t feel comfortable with normal computers, tablets, etc.

  17. Why Audio Never Goes Viral

    A good, interesting read. Also just generally about what makes something go viral. (via Tom Taylor)

  18. dariusk/corpora · GitHub

    JSON files of lots of odd sets of data for making stuff with. I keep thinking of it as Pears Cyclopedia in JSON form. (via @tomtaylor)

  19. Classic Style and the Suit’s Ideal Proportions

    Using James Bond - specifically ‘The World is Not Enough’ - to illustrate the classic proportions of men’s suits.

  20. How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document’s keystrokes « James Somers (

    I love this lengthy description of how he worked out how to do this. All the dead ends and stupid ideas and experiments. (via @Preoccupations)

  21. ESK Cashmere

    Nice, simple, Scottish-made, not cheap jumpers etc. It’s only a matter of time before every ‘About’ page is renamed ‘Story’ isn’t it. (via Die, Workwear)

  22. “You should be left with a fucking mess of unanswered questions” — Medium

    Good, long interview with Louis CK from a while back. About his career, childhood, writing, comedy, etc.

  23. Parsley - The ultimate JavaScript form validation library

    Nice-looking thing that I expect will be handy at some point soon, the name of which I will forget.

  24. Huddle/PhantomCSS

    “A CasperJS module for automating visual regression testing with PhantomJS and Resemble.js. For testing Web apps, live style guides and responsive layouts.” (via @tomstuart)

  25. Twython — Twython 3.1.2 documentation

    “Actively maintained, pure Python wrapper for the Twitter API. Supports both normal and streaming Twitter APIs” Probably more up to date than whatever I was using before. For future reference.

  26. WAI-ARIA 1.0 Authoring Practices - Design Patterns

    Lots of different types of web interface control and the accessibility interactions, roles, states, etc they should have, with links to examples.

  27. Alice Bartlett: Burn your select tags - EpicFEL 2014 - YouTube

    Good talk from Alice about user research resulting in GDS avoiding HTML select tags and creating alternatives.

  28. The Old Guard – Rands in Repose

    On the pattern of a group of people staring something and, as it expands, new people join and try to understand and codify the accumulated knowledge that is used by the original group through instinct alone. And the conflict that results. (via Tom Taylor)