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  1. Lonely Tweets :’(

    Nicely done, and pretty sobering. (via @annegalloway)

  2. Discourse

    New open source discussion forum type software. Brilliant that people are doing this, given how old-fashioned forum software still is. Requires IE 10 and similar though. (via Tom Taylor)

  3. Shooters: How Video Games Fund Arms Manufacturers • Articles •

    On the licensing deals between gun makers and video games. “We want to know explicitly how the rifle is to be used, ensuring that we are shown in a positive light… Such as the ‘good guys’ using the rifle.” (via @matlock)

  4. ‘Not believing in God makes life more precious’: meet the atheist ‘churchgoers’ | World news | The Guardian

    A few years ago I was wondering what an atheist Sunday “service” would be like. here we are.

  5. The stupid cookie law is dead at last | Silktide blog

    “History has shown us that whenever a law opposes the will of the people, it doesn’t tend to do much. It may have been illegal to tape songs off the radio, but there’s little appetite from police officers to cart schoolchildren off to prison for it. And so it is here.” (via @tomskitomski)

  6. Cross Browser Testing Tool. 100+ Browsers, Mobile, Real IE.

    Sounds good. Jude said it was good, which is good enough for me. Good. (via Dotcode)

  7. I just got this email at work. I have no idea what is going on. : WTF

    I’ve been getting these occasionally, for quite a while, too. Very odd.

  8. The Quiet Ones -

    On the Amtrak quiet carriage. I’ve almost given up on UK quiet carriages as they never are, and are therefore extra annoying. Also, the New York Times is apparently “regrettably” unable to print the word “assholes”?! (via Kottke)

  9. The Last Places

    Henry VIII’s wine cellar, once part of Whitehall Palace, still exists under the Ministry of Defence. Although the entire cellar was moved, in one piece, when the MoD was being built. (via ?)

  10. Short Cuts (London Review of Books)

    Paul Myerscough on Pret a Manger. 91% of employees are immigrants. Social security as a subsidy to companies whose products would otherwise be too expensive for their non-social-security-receiving customers.

  11. Let’s Call it Failure (London Review of Books)

    John Lanchester on good, if depressing, form on the state of the UK economy and “austerity”.

  12. TV Networks, Algorithms and the Demise of HMV

    I’m not sure i buy all of this, but some interesting thoughts in there. Almost says that without better discovery tools, Spotify is like HMV, huge but daunting and soulless. (via Paul Mison)

  13. The joy of Essex | Rationalist Association

    Jonathan Meades: “To look down onto the Walton backwaters is equally to look down on the Walton backlands. Such a sense of impermanence and of susceptibility to powers beyond our control is rare in these islands.” (via @antimega)

  14. Responsive Design Bookmarklet

    Very nicely done bookmarklet to view a web page in iPad/iPhone sizes, with and without onscreen keyboards. (via Brett Terpstra)

  15. Max Sebald’s Writing Tips - Richard Skinner

    W.G. Sebald. I love tips on how to write, and the illusion they give me that I’ll write something great one day. (via @HariKunzru)

  16. Evening Edition

    Daily summary of the news. I couldn’t remember what it was called, so into the outboard brain it goes.

  17. Barbican, 1969 - YouTube

    Documentary about the Barbican, including footage of the then nearly-completed buildings, and (at 15:40) a look inside one of the show flats.

  18. The Technium: Pain of the New

    I haven’t seen ‘The Hobbit’ and its HFR, but most of the complaints about the 48fps do, as Kevin Kelly says, sound like people preferring vinyl over digital music, black and white film over colour, etc. Anyway, a good description of why HFR currently looks odd. (via Kottke)

  19. Django Class-Based-View Inspector — Classy CBV

    I usually have a tab open to look through the class-based-views on Github. This might be better.

  20. A rundown of Handbrake settings (0.9.6) -

    Handy stuff because none of these settings make any sense to me and I just want to make video files that look fine and don’t take up GB.

  21. Turnover

    The third manual tool for tapping out BPM data with iTunes I’ve used over the years, and by far the best.

  22. fberriman » Conferences aren’t the problem

    Yes, this is the thing. Our entire industry is not at all diverse, so blaming conference organisers is, often, just avoiding the actual issue. No one’s said “I’m never using [company]’s website/product because they’re nearly all white men.” Because then they’d hardly have any websites/products to use.

  23. The ‘Whoa’ Business Model

    Yes, this, a thousand times. Every time I go to the cinema and have to sit through loads of ads, I hate cinemas. (via Daring Fireball)

  24. Amazon, Apple, and the beauty of low margins — Remains of the Day

    An interesting look at Amazon’s business, low margins. stock turnover, pricing strategies, competitors, etc. (via Migurski)

  25. London Centre for Book Arts

    New, in Hackney, devoted to artists’ books. They do classes on printing, binding, etc. (via the Guardian)

  26. Complete Single Server Django Stack Tutorial |

    Really clear and comprehensive guide to setting up a Django site on Ubuntu.

  27. ‘A Few Sordid Details’

    The “Doomed Bourgeois in Love” tumblr has been going well over Christmas. I love that it finds so many little things to riff off in the world of a very simple film (‘Metropolitan’).

  28. Makeshift // Catalogue // Pylons of Great Britain

    Paricularly for the spotter’s guide image of different pylon designs, and the construction diagrams. (via

  29. 6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person |

    Advice for life aimed at young men, bit probably useful to more. “Saying that you’re a nice guy is like a restaurant whose only selling point is that the food doesn’t make you sick.” (via Monevator)