2013-09-10 (Tuesday)
@mildlydiverting @benhammersley “From immigrant to Londoner in two easy generations.”
@mildlydiverting @benhammersley Yes, very true. I think I only meant I was relatively more of a Londoner than he was.
@mildlydiverting @benhammersley Yeah, I smiled at that naivety too. Maybe that means I’m a Londoner.
@benhammersley Been in London for (mostly) 18 years. I’d say I “come from” London now but I’d feel slightly awkward saying I was a Londoner.
@R1Breakfast @londongrammar I’m not sure you know what ironic means.
@girlonetrack @R1Breakfast @londongrammar BBC Complaint form: ssl.bbc.co.uk/complaints/for…
@whoisdanw It does seem to be rather “can do a bit of everything, mainly different kinds of typing”.
@benterrett So nice to be able to see up and down the river, just about, when the train stops in the station!
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@philgyford @benhammersley Idea: Londoneer. One who can navigate the city, but is not *of* the city and may die of exposure at any moment.