Writing tagged news
One dimensional news
Looking back at my Today’s Guardian site, after using it for a while. And identifying a problem all digital news design seems to have.
Funding niche news services
Matt Edgar’s trying to get a few people to fund a quality, local news serivce for Leeds.
It’s not me, it’s you
My frustrations with ‘Today’ have reached a peak, and I won’t be listening any more.
Pay-per-view seems a bit rude when you want to show people things. Maybe pay-per-point would be nicer.
Today’s Guardian feature requests
The three most common feature requests for the Today’s Guardian website.
Today’s Guardian
The thinking behind my new Today’s Guardian website.
Week 347
Looking at the failed news project, and moving on to Project Humphrey.
News week, day 2
I think I’m tackling the wrong problem with this project.
News week, day 1
Frustrated after only one day of this news project.
Next week’s news
What I plan to do next week: write a weekly news website.
Small publishers of news
Wondering whether there’s a future for small publishers of news.
Looking for news
Why I don’t read, watch or listen to any news, which isn’t a good thing.
BERG’s video about digital magazines mentions the importance of a magazine being finishable, which is also true for news.
All that guff
Clarifying a couple of issues in my previous piece about newspapers’ problems.
Why do you like running?
Having complained about the quality of newspapers, now I’ complaining about TV and radio news.
No one will be pointing at them
If all websites cost money to read, what would I pay for?