Writing tagged LRB
Stay vs Remain
On the etymological differences between the wordings of the Brexit options.
w/e 25 November 2018
An LRB letter, Portlandia season one, and Red Dead Redemption 2.
The most profound interest
No one believed the Wright Brothers could fly.
The natural order of things
Bits from an LRB review of a book about how socialism has disappeared from America.
The Canadian iron ring tradition
Canadian engineers wear rings on their little fingers as a reminder of their responsibilities to the public.
They ate the money
John Lanchester on the feeling of people in Greece and elsewhere about the economic crisis.
That’s no city
Rosemary Hill on the Shard as a “vertical city”.
Living lightly to cope with disaster
An article in the LRB about Japan’s historical response to disasters, and how it perhaps used to cope better.
Ships, terrorists, red tape, persons
Notes from an article about the history of English law.
What I read on my holiday
Notes from holiday reading.
Coins and Experiments
A pointer to some quotes from a couple of LRB articles that happen to mention Pepys.
The launch of bipolar disorder
How bipolar disorder was launched as an identifiable condition.
A better afterlife
Two bits from reports about UK social attitudes, aspiration and inequality.
Ignore the naming of objects
Is it better to know everything about a city, or the countryside, or is it better to rely only on your imagination?
Pirate economics
The pay differentials of 18th century pirates.
30 tons of baggage
A description of a Victorian journey into Africa and the huge amount of resources required.
A pint bottle full of HeLa
The story of Henrietta Lacks and her cells that went on to be used in medicine without her family knowing.
More than a million
Some bits from a review of a book about Henry Wellcome’s huge collection of objects.
New London Review of Books website
I did much of the HTML/CSS for the newly-relaunched LRB website.