Sitting upstairs in a quiet pub in central London, letting the sausage and mash and spotted dick…
Denver, Burning Man, San Francisco
I wrote most of this a week ago but have only just had time to finish it… After a 1,000 mile…
New York - Chicago
We spent our only full day in New York seeing plenty of it. Met up with Rachel (who after six weeks…
New York
I wasn’t sure how it would be, arriving back in the US after being home for eight months.…
A TIZ too far
[ TIZ = Temporary Intimate Zone ] On the train home from London a couple of weeks ago I was sitting…
As square as Dawon’s jaw
Contains possible spoilers for British Roswell High viewers. As any media studies student would be…
Popstars - the year ahead
I think the rejected five should be formed into a band, a kind of anti-Popstars. Bitter, vengeful…
Culture Shock
I’ve been back in England for almost a couple of months now and it’s not what I…
Please return to your homes. I don’t think I’ll be writing any more entries here.…
An Ad
One for the British among you. Imagine you’re watching Channel 4. King of the Hill is…
Bleeding Obvious
This is going to sound like stating the bleeding obvious, but bear with me: This huge fuss with the…
Different Classes
I had my first classes this week, lumped together in a tidy but hectic cluster of six hours on…
Back to School
Monday was the first day of my third semester, and I feel like an old hand. No stress, no rush, no…
24 glossy ghosts of you, I had to pay for 36. But they had a special offer on; I got a double set…
Yesterday I briefly mentioned in an email how I find it strange hearing Americans speaking about…
Big Brother
Yesterday I wrote something about how interesting Big Brother is in that you can see how CBS…
Can become quite hypnotising
I was going to write a terribly insightful piece about how my life right now is remarkably similar…
Hard copy
So very busy. Programs to write, files to move, words to write, books to read, lists to make,…
My name is Phil and I am an…
I was going to write pages today. Screens full of dense text. Rich with insight and laughs. New…
Late to the party
I really must write things down when I think of them, and not leave them hanging in the boxroom at…
Here, have some email
I have other things to say, but, as usual, it’s too much effort to compose them into coherent…
I can’t be bothered to expand on anything. Is this why weblogs are so popular, because they…
Top Ten Email Correspondents (by volume)
Trying to avoid thesis-writing without stepping into the dripping hot air outside lead me to do two…
Bah humbug
Me: Hi. I paid a cheque in pounds sterling into my account at the end of May and after speaking to…
Going under
I’ve only seen it maybe three times but, yes, I am addicted to Big Brother. It wasn’t…