UpMyStreet Falco
UpMyStreet, my employer, is up for sale.
Geo-encoding UpMyStreet
UpMyStreet is already geo-encoded in a way of course, as almost every page contains specific…
What’s that? It’s a CV!
Gissa job!
That summer feeling
With British Summer Time looming this weekend I wondered whether I’d need to change the…
Do as Cal says
Cal has a great article about writing robust PHP. Specifically, making it less vulnerable to…
Questioning time
What he said. Last night, unable to find anything on TV that wasn’t about the war, that…
Ethical ISAs
Options for saving money that aren’t going to make the world even worse than it already is.
“New!” markers in Movable Type
A method of marking entries or comments as new since a user’s last visit.
New old photos
Photos of Madrid, Chamonix, Philadelphia and Walton-on-the-Naze in Essex.
Happy birthday Wired
Wired is ten years old. Gary Wolf writes about what things were like ten years ago. But nothing in…
Big bag of words
A guide to talking like a gamer, an online language journal, and a language weblog.
Internet Explorer’s font size strangeness
Wondering why Internet Explorer resizes fonts that are specified using ems and percentages very differently.
Changing Movable Type archive URLs
A quick way of changing your Individual archive URLs without breaking links.
Road geeks
Celebrating geekery in an unexpected area… Chris’s British Road Directory.
Testing font sizes
An attempt to find out how to size my fonts so that everyone can read them.
I’m now available in French!
My ‘Introduction to weblog terms for weblog readers’ has been translated.
Creating a 1980s virtual world
Chip Morningstar’s entertaining and still relevant 1990 essay on building and running ‘Habitat,’ a mid-80s online multi-player game.
More Newton fun
Pointing to a summary of what’s happening on the Newton, five years after it stopped shipping.
Babies galore
Ada, Aasta and Oskar.
BBCi’s accessibility report
The BBC publishes a great report on their own sites’ accessibility. But in the non-accessible format of PDF. Doh!
Broxtt’s blog
This week a few of us at work have been giggling quietly while creating a fake weblog for our…
Micro marketing
If you live in Barnet or St Albans and want to learn to draw or paint then you need Insight. I…
Sieving spam on the Mac
Using SpamSieve to filter email: 98.9% accurate.
I’ll give them a word burst or two…
Accpording to the New Scientist it might be possible to track societal change by monitoring the…
Aqua on Windows XP
AquaXP.com is devoted to making your Windows machine look like Mac OS X. There’s a distinct…