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  1. Haddock Blogs a bit broken

    If you follow the aggregated weblog feeds at Haddock Blogs you should be aware that it’s…

  2. Adaptive design course

    I’m running a five-afternoon course in London called “Designing for Adaptation”, starting next week.

  3. How Buildings Learn by Stewart Brand

    It’s taken me years to get round to buying and reading this book (and months to type the…

  4. New Jamie Oliver website

    I’ve been working on the site for Jamie Oliver’s new book at Poke — there’s some nice stuff in there…

  5. Walking on the right

    It seems there’s a convention of pedestrians passing each other on the right in America. If so, is there also a convention of passing on the left in the UK and I’ve been oblivious to it my whole life? Am I dumb?

  6. Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

    To be honest I was a little disappointed by Amusing Ourselves to Death, although this may have been…

  7. Encoding with the very latest LAME in iTunes

    An easy way to use the latest version of LAME with Blacktree’s handy iTunes-LAME Encoder thingummy, without touching the command line.

  8. Andrew O’Hagan on the Republican convention

    Two quotable passages from O’Hagan’s London Review of Books report from the US Republican Convention. A relentless summary of the state of America and a frightening conversation.

  9. Movable Type 3 problems solved

    Mainly so that anyone Googling for solutions to these problems is satisfied, those handy folk on the Movable Type support forum have solved the problems I was having.

  10. Movable Type 3 problems

    I’m having two problems with my upgrade to Movable Type 3.11: The Scheduled Posting script generates errors, and I get lots of “403 Throttled” errors when Pepys’ Diary generates a load of TrackBacks. Help appreciated.

  11. Morning News interview with Alex Ross

    A very quotable interview with the ‘New Yorker’s music critic. Lots of good stuff.

  12. 1 bed flat for sale in Hackney

    I’m selling my flat in the art deco style Strand Building in London. Come buy it!

  13. Seeing the light flicker

    Finally discovering the joys of Flickr, months after everyone else, getting annoyed with its information architecture, and revelling in the growing number of small pieces joining loosely.

  14. Euro Foo Camp: Simon Wardley - 3D Printing

    Wardley and his two Canon colleagues aren’t working in this (I think) but have been…

  15. Euro Foo Camp: Tomas Krag & John Naughton - Digital Divide

    A small group for this one… John Naughton: Ndiyo — the Swahili word for yes. (Most…

  16. Euro Foo Camp: Jo Walsh - Literate Programming

    Jo Walsh started a discussion about what literate programming is, how practical it is, what we can…

  17. Euro Foo Camp: Steve Coast - OpenTextBook & OpenStreetMap

    Steve Coast (physics student at UCL) on OpenTextBook and OpenStreetMap both of which could do with…

  18. Euro Foo Camp: Matt Webb - Brain Hacks

    Matt Webb entertains the crowd with his descriptions of experiments on psychology undergraduates.…

  19. Euro Foo Camp: Ben Hammersley - Better Living Through RSS

    Debonair man-about-town Ben Hammersley talking about what he’s been squeezing into RSS.…

  20. MP3 blogs and the record labels

    A roundtable discussion of MP3 bloggers seems remarkably optimistic about the record labels’ stance on people giving away their artists’ music. A flurry of letters from lawyers seems much more likely to me…

  21. London Review of Books, 5 August 2004

    Contents page online here Only one review really grabbed me this issue, which I paraphrase here.…

  22. The Art of Fiction by David Lodge

    I read this when it was a series of columns in the Independent on Sunday. Nice to read it again.…

  23. Let’s live today, anyway. Change me, change me, change me once again

    It’s not often you get a chance to see characters in a film genuinely age ten years. ‘Before Sunrise’ gives you this and much, much more. Magic.

  24. London Review of Books, 22 July 2004

    Contents page online here ‘Stainless Splendour’ by Stefan Collini It’s not just…