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  1. Week 380

    Comparing freelancing to proper jobs, in terms of money and holiday.

  2. COMMENTS_APP error when extending Django comments

    I was getting an error when customising the Django comments app. Here’s my solution.

  3. Setting up a Django environment and project structure

    My notes on what I do to set up an environment for a Django project.

  4. Willy nilly

    My brief talk about Foursquare etiquette at Playful 2010.

  5. Coding in public

    I’ve put the code for the Django version of the site I’m building up on Github.

  6. Should you build your own home?

    Should you build your own (online) home? Or live in one of the existing communities with their cute little houses?

  7. Week 378

    Starting to re-write my own site in Django, in order to learn how to use it, and very much enjoying it.

  8. Week 377

    Spent most of the week preparing my OpenTech talk about Today’s Guardian.

  9. Week 376

    A short but good week.

  10. A map for every day

    I’ve made maps of my activity for every day, using tweets, Foursquare check-ins and Flickr photos.

  11. Week 375

    Fiddling with twittery things. And a day off. Nice.

  12. It’s not me, it’s you

    My frustrations with ‘Today’ have reached a peak, and I won’t be listening any more.

  13. Week 374

    Spending way too long improving the maps on Pepys’ Diary.

  14. Wired Index

    The Wired Index is very similar to Wired UK’s advertising campaign from 1996.

  15. Week 372

    Design-as-development for the new client, and lots of Pepys.

  16. A better afterlife

    Two bits from reports about UK social attitudes, aspiration and inequality.

  17. Ignore the naming of objects

    Is it better to know everything about a city, or the countryside, or is it better to rely only on your imagination?

  18. Pay-per-point

    Pay-per-view seems a bit rude when you want to show people things. Maybe pay-per-point would be nicer.

  19. Week 369

    Catching up on overdue tasks, arguing, Django.

  20. ‘Cognitive Surplus’ by Clay Shirky

    My notes from reading the book.

  21. SuperMe

    The site I’ve been working on at Somethin’ Else has launched.

  22. Week 368

    Getting on top of things.

  23. Publishing with old dates in Movable Type

    What I did to make the Pepys’ Diary website work with 343-year-old dates in Movable Type.

  24. Pirate economics

    The pay differentials of 18th century pirates.