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  1. St Pancras Chambers

    Yesterday I went on a tour of the elegant building at St Pancras station, currently derelict, soon to be converted into a new hotel and apartments, and took some photos.

  2. Anyone for a greasy?

    Mourning the passing of the New Piccadilly cafe in central London and celebrating other simple caffs.

  3. London Review of Books, 8 July 2004

    Contents page online here ‘Reasons to Be Miserable‘ by James Meek Lengthy quotes, but…

  4. Big head

    Those cheeky chappies at Poke stuck my big face to a wall.

  5. Disk Inventory X

    Playing with the utility that gives you a brighly-coloured treemap (a la Market Map or Newsmap) of your Mac’s drive, showing exactly what’s eating all that precious space.

  6. Inaccessible Odeon

    Odeon has forced Matthew Somerville to shut down his accessible version of their site. All the more amazing when Odeon’s official site is completely invisible in some browsers.

  7. What webloggers are reading this summer

    I asked a bunch of webloggers what they’re reading this summer. Because I was more interested in that than what celebrities are reading this summer.

  8. Blogloops

    Bloglines’ first birthday revamp introduces public blogs, shrinking the incestuous blogging cycle a little further.

  9. The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo by Saskia Sassen

    While the book is undoubtedly oriented around cities, very little of it is about the structure or…

  10. RCA and CSM degree shows

    My highlights of the Royal College of Art degree show and a brief comparison with the Central Saint Martins show.

  11. Byliner stats

    A graph showing the rate of new registrations at Byliner (on the up), and the most popular search requests.

  12. New and improved Jamie Oliver

    This year, when I haven’t been coding I’ve been employed at the lovely Poke working on the new Jamie Oliver website, which launched yesterday. Here are a few highlights.

  13. Beach hut photos

    Photos of the brightest beach huts on the Essex coast.

  14. Bishopsgate Goods Yard demolition

    You can’t see much of the demolition from the street, but from a few stories up you get a better view of the brick mountains. Photos here.

  15. We’re gonna need a bigger pipe

    I’ve been grabbing music from Mostyn’s Music Page for some time, but I only recently realised that a whole MP3 Blog scene has been blossoming out there. It’s official: I am now several weeks behind the bleeding edge.

  16. Upgrading to Movable Type 3 (or not)

    I upgraded to MT3 on my development site, but haven’t rolled anything out live, having hit some problems. I’ll wait for them to be fixed officially, rather than spend time hacking…

  17. Installing DBI and DBD::mysql on Mac OS X Panther

    A guide to installing DBI and DBD::mysql, which I completely failed to find anywhere online (or at least, in a form that worked).


    Our new project launches today after several months of work… track your MP’s most recent appearances in parliament, search all the speeches and written answers, comment on proceedings…

  19. London’s Elections - The Designers

    Analysing the London mayoral candidates based on their grasp of design. Few have any.

  20. Less metadata, more music

    Having thrown away my to do list, I recently finished transferring 342 songs taped from the radio to MP3.

  21. Dabbling

    Last summer I tried my hand at painting, after nine years of doing none. It went OK, and I did three paintings I was quite pleased with, but damn, it’s hard work.

  22. External scaffolding

    I’ve started taking notes when reading non-fiction, in an attempt to hammer facts and ideas into my broken sieve of a brain. So I though I might as well put them online, starting with three books.

  23. Homeostatic envelope

    The idea that there are boundaries defining the limits of normal experience, from joy to depression, and

  24. Belgrade and Novi Sad

    Lots of traffic, even more sports shoes and a couple of photos.

  25. Goof of the day

    The official Parliament website plumbs new depths of cluelessness.