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  1. Panopticon

    A description of an application I’d like to see built that lets me keep up with what all my friends are doing in real time.

  2. Your single social network

    Wouldn’t it be good if we only had to define our social networks once, instead of repeating it for every single website?

  3. Not feeling it

    Getting more frustrated and annoyed with myself, and feeling a bit out of it.

  4. Masks, tension and being upside down

    Our first encounter with masks, the first three levels of tension, and my inability to do headstands and backward rolls.

  5. What percentage of restaurants fail after one year?

    Investigating the frequent claim that 90% of restaurants fail in the first year.

  6. Week two

    Any hope I had of maintaining a decent frequency of tediously detailed writing about my LISPA…

  7. Deference and diffidence

    In today’s improvisation class we had a task that was both minimal but also tricky and very…

  8. Forward rolls

    I haven’t done a forward roll for nearly twenty years, and couldn’t do it well then. I managed it, but only just.

  9. First two days

    The timetable, the students, realising that I’m going to be doing this every day for a while.

  10. A beginner’s guide to freelancing

    Around 8,000 words of my accumulated knowledge from life as a freelancer.

  11. Not available now, but in future…

    I’ve found work for now, but here’s what my availability’s going to be like until next summer.

  12. Phil for hire, now

    At the time of writing, due to a large corporation endlessly faffing, I’m free for work until college starts.

  13. Work in 2006

    For a bit of balance, forgetting the acting, here’s how I’ve been spending my work time this year so far.

  14. Final Lilia Litviak thoughts

    One last thing… well, three. There are three thoughts I wanted to write down that sprung from the _Lilia Litviak_ performances so here they are before I lose my notes…

  15. Lilia Litviak performances

    All of a sudden it’s over. Two performances, and that’s it. Thankfully the thing seemed to work and people enjoyed themselves.

  16. Lilia Litviak technical rehearsal

    The technical rehearsal was difficult. I’ve no idea how good the final performance will be.

  17. Lilia Litviak dress rehearsal

    The dress rehearsals went fairly well, and the inexpensive costumes look great. But we’ve only the technical rehearsal to go before the performance.

  18. Lilia Litviak run-throughs

    We were prepared for our first run-throughs to be pretty ropey, but they were far worse than we expected.

  19. Lilia Litviak rehearsals

    The process of putting the play together, creating it pretty much from scratch, and how difficult it can be with a very stylised play.

  20. Lilia Litviak workshops

    How we started work on turning the script into a play.

  21. A lick of paint

    I’ve added some colour to the site at last. And I wonder how much Internet Explorer’s brokenness has cost industry over the years.

  22. Server move autopsy

    Painful details of why and how I moved servers again.

  23. See me in a play

    I’m going to be in a play about Lilia Litviak, a female World War II Soviet fighter pilot.

  24. This is on the new server

    If you can read this, you’re looking at the site on the new server. Hopefully it’s no…

  25. Moving servers

    Rather than spend this sunny day without work sitting outside, I’m in the process of moving…