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  1. DBD::mysql on Leopard with _mysql_init errors

    I had problems getting the perl DBD::mysql module working. Here’s how I made it happy.

  2. Wholly deserved demise

    John Sergeant quitting ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ is the main news in the UK today. Save us.

  3. Field Trip 1993

    I’ve posted up the hour long video of the field trip round Europe I went on at university in 1993.

  4. The locals slag you off

    Pumping my tweets in Facebook was good at first but then just wrong.

  5. Haddock Blogs feeds are back

    The Haddock Blogs RSS feeds disappeared for a bit. They’re back now.

  6. Ghostly fingers of APIs

    I created a graphic showing all the bits of my online life that update each other.

  7. A format only robots could love

    I’m adding an archive of comments posted on other websites to my site, and thinking more about how personal aggregation of online activity should work.

  8. Stopping Movable Type from truncating long templates

    If Movable Type is cutting your templates off when you save them, here’s how to fix it.

  9. Showing them one tiny corner

    More on the stock market graphs, and working out how to improve them.

  10. Making websites

    Looking back at the web work I’ve done over the past year.

  11. Graphs that lie

    Annoyed by stock market graphs whose y-axes don’t start at zero, and correcting them.


    I’ve set up a new website for me as an actor.

  13. Byliner is closing

    After more than eight years it’s time to shut down.

  14. Head of the tiny pack

    On the death of David Foster Wallace.

  15. Way too jaded

    My thoughts on dConstruct 2008, whose talks left me underwhelmed.

  16. The first life logger

    Gerolamo Cardano may have been the world’s first life logger or quantified self or whatever.

  17. View past days on Haddock Blogs

    Haddock Blogs was broken for a bit, but as compensation you can now browse to older days of posts.

  18. Top Tunes of 2007, part 2 and 3

    The second and third (and final) parts of my favourite music of the year.

  19. Movable Type 4.2

    Upgrading to the latest version of MT isn’t advised until fixes are released.

  20. Top Tunes of 2007, part 1

    The first part of my favourite tunes of 2007. Unsurprisingly.

  21. Opacity: 1 ! important;

    Bloglines recently changed the look of their Beta design. Here’s how to make it look better using Firefox.

  22. Rush hour on the Barley Highway

    Last year I bought a fixed-gear bike. Here’s what I think of it. But I’m also wondering why Parisians have a much more relaxed cycling culture.

  23. Love and hate

    My time at LISPA is over and while it’s been good, it’s too soon to know just how I’ve changed.

  24. Now and Then

    How we went about creating my final project, a short piece of theatre about the start and end of a relationship.

  25. The director’s vision

    I was in three people’s final projects: a brief clown, father of a girl who grows wings, and the element Polonium killing Marie Curie.