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Links tagged with “yahoo”

  1. 15 Years of | Flickr

    Screenshots of the home page through the years, from 1994 to 2009.

  2. “is death for WEB sites as us” | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    “it just kills me that they took a wonderful, friendly community like Geocities and just smashed it to bits. Yahoo, you STINK!”

  3. Diary of a Corporate Sellout — The Message — Medium

    Andy Baio on what it means to sell a site to a larger company. When you give up ownership, you’re selling the community.

  4. How Yahoo Killed Flickr and Lost the Internet

    “Build something good, and the buyout offers start rolling in. But while selling out in most other fields of creative endeavor is frowned upon, it’s a given on the Web.” True, but this assumes you think of a start-up as a creative endeavour, not a business. But still.

  5. How You Can Help Save, Posterous, and More

    Solely for the phrase “companies like Yahoo work to destroy as much human history as possible.” Must suck to work somewhere like that.

  6. Travel Back In Time With Yahoo! Maps | Londonist

    Yahoo’s (and therefore Flickr’s) aerial photos are about a decade old. Watching Yahoo slowly stagnate and decay and crumble is like seeing a once-excitingly new part of town become a ruined no-go zone.

  7. ASCII by Jason Scott / Archive Team Yahoo Video Final Push (and a rousing speech)

    I sent Archive Team money to pay for 1TB of storage, so they can store more of Yahoo Video, which is being deleted by Yahoo! Every little helps, so maybe send a little? (via Waxy)

  8. ASCII by Jason Scott / A Valentine from Archive Team

    Surprise! Yahoo is deleting even *more* user-created content. This time Yahoo Video. It’s like Yahoo! doesn’t feel hated enough yet. But I keep loving Archive Team more. (via Tom Taylor)

  9. ASCII by Jason Scott / Yahoo!locaust

    About Yahoo! and Delicious, and other things they’ve closed, and Flickr, and the fact all the content on Yahoo! Video will be deleted in March. *sigh* (via Simon Willison)

  10. Home | Yahoo! Style Guide

    Looks like it could be good for a web-friendly writers’ style guide. (via Crackunit)

  11. Code: Flickr Developer Blog » Flickr Shapefiles Public Dataset 1.0

    I keep seeing cool code stuff whizz by and I’m not making anything with it. May need to ringfence time from other commitments just to *do* something.

  12. Simonw’s geocoders at master - GitHub

    Python “code for accessing various geocoding web services with an ultra simple API”. Sounds good.

  13. Yahoo! Placemaker™ Beta - YDN

    Parses text and extracts any recognisable locations. (via Simon Willison)

  14. ASCII by Jason Scott / Geocities: Lessons So Far

    Not just for the good stuff about archiving Geocities, but also about the history of the site and its structure. (via Waxy)

  15. Slides: Professional Frontend Engineering | Nate Koechley’s Blog

    A presentation that nicely describes a role that is close to some of what I do. Interesting to see new (in a larger scale) roles become identified and solidified. (via Infovore)

  16. Design Stencils - Yahoo! Design Pattern Library

    For OmniGraffle among others. (via Infovore)

  17. Yahoo downgrades antispam measure after causing BT email chaos | Technology | The Guardian

    Including a quote from “freelance web consultant and blogger Phil Gyford”.

  18. Flickr: Discussing RSS feed of your contacts’ favorites (Y! Pipe) in Flickr Hacks

    How to make an RSS feed of your contacts’ favourites using Yahoo! Pipes. (via Haddock)

  19. Yahoo open up their UI libraries… (

    Links to all Yahoo’s shiny developer things in one handy place for me to never get round to reading.

  20. Hackdiary: Using Wikipedia and the Yahoo API to give structure to flat lists

    Matt Biddulph doing clever stuff. Would be good to try this with some Pepys stuff I think.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
