Links tagged with “wikis”
Simple PHP-based wiki, uses Markdown or HTML syntax, has syntax highlighting for code blocks. (via @benbrown)
LocalWiki - The open-content, open-source effort to share the world’s local knowledge
This looks very nice. Open source, nicely designed, good idea. (via @mala)
Why Wikipedia beats Wikinews as a collaborative journalism project » Nieman Journalism Lab
From Feb 2010. Wikinews’ combination of deadlines and less of a formula for story structure than Wikipedia has proved challenging for collaborative writing.
How to: create a wiki with Drupal | Cwgordon7’s blog
Drupal was quite lovely and easy to install, if complicated. But the wiki still felt a bit “not quite right” somehow.
HOWTO/Install MoinMoin On Dreamhost - Mitch’s Wiki
The official MoinMoin wiki installation instructions are a confusing nightmare and failed me. These, on the other hand, just worked (even on a non-Dreamhost shared host). Still seems much, much more complex than an install should be.
WikiMatrix - Compare them all
Compare loads of features of loads of wikis.