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Links tagged with “webdevelopment”

  1. django-bakery documentation

    “A set of helpers for baking your Django site out as flat files” made and used by the LA Times Data Desk. (via Simon Willison)

  2. Mithering about the unmodellable

    On the difficulties of modelling how Parliament works, and the pros and cons of doing so. (via @markhurrell)

  3. D3.js Charts: Towards Updatable Code | Toptal

    A useful variant on the D3.js modular pattern, allowing you to pass updated data (or other things) into an already-rendered chart.

  4. Local by Flywheel | Local WordPress development made simple

    Seems like a nice way to do this, but I’ll forget what it’s called within a day, so.

  5. Building a combined stream of recent additions using the Django ORM

    Very handy. I’ve tried a couple of laborious ways of doing the same in the past, probably before `.union()` appeared.

  6. GitHub - kennethreitz/requests-html: HTML Parsing for Humans™

    Python web requests and page scraping. Looks like it might be a bit easier than BeautifulSoup. (via @simonwillison)

  7. DataFire - Build APIs and Integrations to process, serve, and sync your data

    Interesting way to integrate *lots* of things. The Node-based code is open source so you can run it for free on your own server, or use the pay-for hosted version. (via @richardjpope)

  8. ftfy - fix unicode that’s broken in various ways

    Shows you how to fix “broken” encoded text using python.

  9. Learn ES2015 · Babel

    “A detailed overview of ECMAScript 2015 features.” (via FaveJet)

  10. Using pyvenv (venv) With Django on WebFaction. :: Solid Ether

    Also for the earlier post it links to. Django-type sites on WebFaction (as opposed to standard Apache sites) do sound a bit messy though.

  11. Tips for in-house teams in a free market software culture

    Alice’s really good description of how to develop and improve in-house software tools that people will want to use.

  12. Just Another Blog: CSV Parser for PHP

    The PHP code in this 11-year-old Blogspot post succeeded in reading a CSV file where PHP’s built-in method failed. Web development, eh.

  13. A WordPress & Git workflow – Marc Jenkins

    Seems to make sense, and WP Migrate DB Pro is the bee’s knees.

  14. My essential django package list — /var/

    A handy list including a few handy things I hadn’t heard of. Plus useful descriptions of them all. (via Simon Willison)

  15. Pipenv: Python Dev Workflow for Humans — pipenv 8.1.4 documentation

    I really don’t want to learn yet another way to manage python virtual environment but this does sound like it might finally be The One. (via @simonw)

  16. Datamake:article | d3 and canvas

    A clear step-by-step example of using the Canvas with D3.js to draw thousands of objects.

  17. kbaum/heroku-database-backups: Heroku database backups and copies to S3

    I tried three versions of “back up your Heroku postgres database to S3” and this is the one that works.

  18. Django Service Objects

    I like keeping stuff like this out of views and models, and this seems like a nice way to do it. (via @simonwillison)

  19. Typeplate » A typographic starter kit encouraging great type on the Web

    Looks like a nice bit of CSS for styling readable text.

  20. edent/SuperTinySocialIcons

    “Under 1KB each! Super Tiny Social Icons are miniscule SVG versions of your favourite logos.” The completist in me would like to see these for every major corporate logo. (via @simonw)

  21. performance notes

    A good write-up of making the fast, simple site even faster.

  22. Flexbox Froggy - A game for learning CSS flexbox

    Very nicely done. Although, even having completed it, I’m still pretty much guessing at how to do anything.

  23. BEM 101 | CSS-Tricks

    Pragmatic summary of the Block, Element, Modifier CSS style that wasn’t around last time I went down this rabbit hole.

  24. Introducing Stack Overflow Trends - Stack Overflow Blog

    Fascinating, particularly as the popularity of languages and frameworks over time is something one is vaguely aware of but never with much certainty. (via Daring Fireball)

  25. Servers for Hackers by Chris Fidao [Leanpub PDF/iPad/Kindle]

    Every time I think about buying this I forget the name and have to hunt around next time I think of it.

  26. trailofbits/algo: Set up a personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud

    Another self-hosted VPN server, which they say is better than Streisand.

  27. niallkennedy/Movable-Type-WordPress-export

    This worked really well. And a bit of tweaking meant it also worked for importing into custom WordPress Post types and Taxonomies too.

  28. flurinduerst/WPDistillery: WordPress Setup runner for Scotch Box

    Handy - create a Vagrant virtual machine with WordPress installed and configured. An oddly opinionated default config, but easily tweaked.

  29. 10 things I learned making the fastest site in the world

    Lots of handy, funny, tips. (via someone, a while back)

  30. jlund/streisand: Streisand sets up a new server running L2TP/IPsec, OpenConnect, OpenSSH, OpenVPN, Shadowsocks, sslh, Stunnel, and a Tor bridge

    “It also generates custom configuration instructions for all of these services. At the end of the run you are given an HTML file with instructions that can be shared with friends, family members, and fellow activists.”

  31. Simple Django error logging configuration for Heroku |

    For future reference. Just because it seemed harder than necessary to work out how to get Django errors to display in Heroku’s console.

  32. Tufte CSS

    Some nice things in this example of CSS that styles things in a web parallel of Edward Tufte’s books. (via Russell Davies)

  33. AWS Git-backed Static Website ·

    This is clever and bonkers. Why on earth would you run a static website like this unless you understood all of that? What do you do if something in that tangle stops working? Good luck!

  34. MWeb - Pro Markdown writing, note taking and static blog generator App - MWeb

    Sounds like a nice thing. Haven’t tried it. (via @gilest)

  35. CSS ICON — project by Wenting Zhang

    Icons drawn only with CSS, and very easy to copy. A bit ugly, but maybe a good inspiration for better… (via @simonw)

  36. TimeMapper - Make Timelines and TimeMaps fast!

    Make a timeline thing, including maps, using Google Spreadsheets as the data source.

  37. The HURRDURR Games — Dorian Taylor

    On why most hackathons are exploitative. Includes a calculator for whether it’s worth your time. (via Favejet)

  38. Cheat Sheet: Writing Python 2-3 compatible code — Python-Future documentation

    Because this is usually where I end up when googling for this stuff.

  39. Employee #1: Amazon · The Macro

    On building the first Amazon website. (via Kottke)

  40. webpack-howto

    I suppose I should be at least familiar with this season’s front-end build tool.

  41. Sheetsee.js

    “A client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.” Obviously requires JavaScript, but looks like a nice way to create easily-editable data, charts, maps.

  42. Building with Make - Device Ready

    A nice introduction to using Make to build your JS files, run other tasks, etc. (via Tom Taylor)

  43. A basic Celery on Heroku guide

    This was also a nice write-up, with lots of handy tips, and barely out of date (a miracle, it seems).

  44. Python developer articles - Django celery setup

    Some bits of this were useful. And start-to-finish, not too wordy, examples like this are nice.

  45. Ryan A. Chapman — Vagrant: show port forwarding for all virtual machines

    Annoying that there’s no built-in way to get this info, for all running VMs, but this appears to work.

  46. A Sense of Where You Are — Elegant Tools — Medium

    Tom Broxton very good on gathering evidence about how long the designing and building of digital things actually take, so you can convince people your pessimistic-sounding estimates are accurate.

  47. Test A Reusable Django Application For Support Of Multiple Django Releases With Tox And Travisci | Joe Bergantine

    A clear description of how to do something that pretty much worked. Always a pleasure.

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  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
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  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
