Links tagged with “webdevelopment”
Peter Van Dijck’s Guide to Ease » Blog Archive » A bunch of presentations on scaling websites: twitter, Flickr, Bloglines, Vox and more.
The kind of thing I keep meaning to read up on. (via Kottke)
Particletree » Rediscovering the Button Element
Very handy alternative to Submit buttons, and I feel I should have already known this, but it appears to have problems in IE. Like most things. (via Kottke)
Living-e AG: MAMP - Mac - Apache - MySQL - PHP
One-click install of Apache, MySQL, PHP for running sites locally on your Mac without all the httpd.conf etc malarkey.
MTV Labs: The New HTML has ditched its Flash site for an HTML version after user feedback. (via Blackbeltjones over Twitter)
Launch (
Paul Ford, excellent on the inevitable public responses to a site launch and one’s reaction to them.
What do you do when your success … sucks? (Skrentablog)
A look at how Topix worked out why the site didn’t work and what they did about it. (via Haddock)
- jQuery date picker
I’ve been dabbling with jQuery and this plugin makes doing just what I wanted as easy as it could be.
Usable Cross Browser Font Sizing » Middleware Infrastructure
Magic percentages for getting the same font size on different platforms.
Common fonts to all versions of Windows & Mac equivalents (Browser safe fonts) - Web design tips & tricks
Because I’m always using losing this and having to Google for it or something similar.
53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine
Handy to have so many in one place. (via Daring Fireball)
Zf-twitter - Google Code
Tim’s PHP class for reading Twitter data. Uses the Zend Framework.
Running Movable Type 3.3 with LightTPD and FastCGI (Tapirtype Blog)
Detailed instructions for doing this on TextDrive hosting.
Beautiful Soup: We called him Tortoise because he taught us.
“Beautiful Soup is a Python HTML/XML parser designed for quick turnaround projects like screen-scraping.”
Creating prototypes with OmniGraffle | urlgreyhot
Not very complicated, but a good idea and a nicely done demo. (via ChrisDodo)
Simon Willison: Graphing requests with Tamper Data
Very nice thing found by Simon - a graph showing when elements of a webpage load, and how long they take. (via Daring Fireball)
Bookmarklet to convert a web page into Markdown syntax (which I’ve started to use almost everywhere). Could be handy. (via Daring Fireball)
SimpleXML processing with PHP
Nice clear explanation and examples (for PHP5). Will be handy sometime I’m sure. If only it was as simple in PHP4. (via Daring Fireball)
Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!
What the title says. Very handy. (via Rodcorp)
Piecing IT together » Blog Archive » Why Calendars are hard
In the unlikely event I need a summary of why it’s difficult to code decent calendaring. (via Blech)
Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » Understanding HTML, XML and XHTML
Why you (and I) should probably be using HTML 4 rather than XHTML. Oops. (via Daring Fireball)
Taming Your Multiple IE Standalones
If you’ve installed several versions of Internet Explorer in Windows XP, here’s how to make them work better.
Corunet. El blog » The definitive heatmap
How to make your own clickmap thing using Javascript, Ruby, ImageMagick. (via Kottke)
Clickdensity - website heat maps for usability and information architecture
Interesting-looking thing for measuring where people click on your pages (although I haven’t tried it).
Mint: A Fresh Look at Your Site
$30, looks lovely, but can’t be installed or administered using Win IE. Doh.
Digerati Consulting: awstats on TextDrive
How to install AWStats on a TextDrive server. Actually worked.
“Peastat is a simple, free, ‘live’ web stats analyser.”
Changes to the Movable Type Platform for v3.3 (Movable Type Documentation)
For when I get round to upgrading.
Movable Type Beta Weblog - Converting from dirified title to basename
Because I keep losing this article and need it occasionally.
SIMILE | Timeline | Documentation
DHTML thing for creating nice scrollable timelines. (via Yoz)
Web Development with… Safari : journal : hicksdesign Ο°
If you download a WebKit nightly build there’s a handy inspector for debugging CSS problems in Safari.
Vitamin Features » HTML Emails - Taming the Beast
For future reference. Although I really hope I never ever need it (via Plasticbag).
- Building Scalable Web Sites: Books
Cal has a book out! Sounds interesting and very useful.
AMK design | Last 10 tracks on your website
Simple but good PHP code for putting your recent tracks on your site. Inspired me to rewrite all my stupidly over-engineered code for along the same lines. (via Kottke)
- | Your free online color matching toolbox
Another colour scheme generator. I need all the help I can get.
Color Scheme Generator 2
There are loads of these around, but this seems a nice example.
Mod_rewrite Cookbook - FrontPage
Very handy resource for mod_rewrite recipes. It’s like some arcane magic to me.
Aplus :: z-pos
Detailed exploration of an Internet Explorer CSS z-index bug. It saved my sanity last week.
Quick guide to somewhat advanced JavaScript
Helping me brush up my entrenched Web 1.0 JavaScript skills.
SortedTable example
Dynamically sorted and rearranged HTML tables using Javascript.
Yahoo open up their UI libraries… (
Links to all Yahoo’s shiny developer things in one handy place for me to never get round to reading.
Very handy PHP class for displaying easily comprehensible variable information. Has no doubt been referred to as “var_dump on steroids” by someone. (via Tim/twisty)
Particletree · Quick Guide to Prototype
Another guide to using the Javascript library. One day I’ll use it rather than just post links to documentation. (via Tom Carden)
Top 10 custom JavaScript functions of all time
Some of the most commonly repeated functions. (via Tim/twisty)
Rico - JavaScript for Rich Internet Applications
Library for Ajaxy drag-and-drop type stuff, extending prototype.js. (via Tim/twisty)
- » — Lookin’ Good
On using Movable Type as a CMS for Seed magazine’s website. Mainly because I need the four MT plug-ins mentioned and I’ll forget their names otherwise. (via Kottke)
Using prototype.js v1.3.1
Unofficial documentation for the Prototype Javascript library. (via Tim)
PHP5 Exception Use Guidelines
Trying to get my head round using Exceptions.
Ludoo » PHP 101 - PEAR error handling
Trying to get my head round using Exceptions.
Notes on PEAR_Exception - phly, boy, phly
Trying to get my head round using Exceptions.