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Links tagged with “webdesign”

  1. Some of the best free fonts | Clearleft

    For future reference. I also saw Literata suggested. (via

  2. Siteleaf - A friendly CMS for your static site

    Simple hosted CMS that generates a Jekyll-based website hosted on your GitHub Pages (or similar).

  3. Webflow: Create a custom website | No-code website builder

    Very impressive in-browser site builder, but so comprehensive and detailed that it makes me feel like I don’t know how to make websites.

  4. Modern CSS Reset / Global Styles

    This not only seems like a good modern version (which I could do with) but it’s extremely nicely explained. (via Adactio)

  5. Why are hyperlinks blue?

    Some good digital archaeology. (via Adactio)


    This looks great - a *fun* website builder. Some lovely stuff in the Curated Pages. (via

  7. A Complete Guide To Accessible Front-End Components — Smashing Magazine

    Very handy collection of links to articles. (via @simonw)

  8. SVGOMG - SVGO’s Missing GUI

    Really nicely done web-based tool for optimising SVG files by Jake Archibald.

  9. Convincing-looking 90s fonts in modern browsers –

    Excellent work. Also, that first “blobby” potrace attempt looks wonderfully 1990s Template Gothic-like. (via Waxy)

  10. All – Tiny Helpers

    Loads of websites that each do one useful thing for web designers and developers. (via Waxy)

  11. A short history of body copy sizes on the Web

    I would like more histories of specific features of web design over the decades. (via Adactio)

  12. Brutalist Websites

    A nice collection of websites that look a lot more interesting than most, to remind us that the interesting web isn’t dead. (I don’t like the term ‘brutalist’ for these, but still.) (via @gilest)

  13. Discovering Sketch — .Sketch App — Medium

    Lots of people I know use Sketch but I’d never looked at it. Reading this I can see why people prefer it over Photoshop for many kinds of design. (via Daring Fireball)

  14. No more accordions: how to choose a form structure | User research

    I didn’t link to this when I read it, but it’s stuck with me. It describes changes to GOV.UK’s recommended form structure guidelines, based on user testing.

  15. The Hamburger Menu Doesn’t Work - Deep Design

    For next time I’m trying and failing to remember where I last read an article like this. (via Dotcode)

  16. The God Login

    I thought I’d bookmarked this at the time. Some thoughts on making better login forms. I don’t agree with all of it, but good for a starting point for thinking.

  17. Fontello - icon fonts generator

    Create your own icon font using only the icons you need, select from Font Awesome and other free libraries.

  18. Adactio: Journal—Web! What is it good for?

    Another smashing post from Jeremy Keith. “What attracted me to the web was its remarkable ability to allow anyone to share anything, not just for the here and now, but for the future too.”

  19. Adactio: Journal—Instantiation

    Jeremy Keith on how people who complain the web is slow and rubbish are right to the extent that many people making websites have made them more slow and more rubbish than they should be.

  20. Website Style Guide Resources

    “Things people have written about style guides.” Many links. (via Tom Taylor)

  21. The Boring Designer

    On why the most boring design is often the best one. Yes. (via @paulpod)

  22. Jared Spool’s answer to What is the current market hourly rate (contract) for a great designer who can design (visual/ux/product) and develop award-winning user interfaces? - Quora

    “…you’re looking for someone who is such an outlier in the industry that you’ll pay whatever rate they demand.” (via Stellar)

  23. The Icon Browser

    Loads of little icons collected from 1994 to 1996. (via One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age)

  24. User Onboarding | A frequently-updated compendium of web app first-run experiences

    Really, really good detailed step-by-step look at how various services get users signed up. (via Tom Taylor)

  25. GOV.UK elements

    HTML/CSS elements and how to use them on GOV.UK. Really useful, even if you’re doing differently, as a checklist of stuff to consider. (via @jamesweiner)

  26. Layout in Flipboard for Web and Windows

    Fascinating look at how Flipboard automatically match content to one of thousands of possible page layouts (some created by designers, some more algorithmic). (via @revdancatt)

  27. Crafting link underlines on Medium

    Not necessarily for how they decided to make nice underlines on text, but for the description of how complicated a very simple-seeming website can be. (via @jamesweiner)

  28. Grid

    A very nice step-by-step guide to a simple CSS grid system for responsive websites. Everyone will end up with something more complex, but it’s a nice intro. (via @felix_cohen)

  29. Butterick’s Practical Typography

    Free online guide, which seems quite good, but… all that attention to detail and he makes it almost impossible to tell what’s a link. Bloody Designer designers. (via Daring Fireball)

  30. Sneak peek of Macaw - The code-savvy web design tool

    Actually looks quite good. Jump to the end to see the finished page in-browser, and the HTML and CSS. (via @jamesweiner)

  31. Jessica Hische on typography

    Really nice, lengthy article on how to choose typefaces, particularly for websites. (via Waxy)

  32. Flat UI Free - PSD&HTML User Interface Kit - Designmodo

    Looks interesting for quickly making things look nice. (via @paulpod)

  33. How We Built “Music Looks Awesome” & How You Can Join In - This Is My Jam

    Brilliant stuff - automatically making big, interesting, background images from a smaller album/video image.

  34. iWantHue

    Another colour palette-generating thing. Looks nice, although I did seem to keep getting palettes containing two or more very similar shades. (via Migurski)

  35. Subcompact Publishing — by Craig Mod

    I’ve only read a third of this so far but it’s very good. There are so many opportunities for small publishing these days, while the old, slow big publishers struggle. (via @readmatter)

  36. A List Apart: Articles: The Web Aesthetic

    Paul Robert Lloyd on designing for the web’s constraints, not imitating other media.

  37. Adactio: Journal—Image-y nation

    One way to do responsive images on web pages for different-sized devices which is very reminiscent of the old LOWSRC images which I’ve been thinking about recently. (via Infovore)

  38. Geocities-izer - Make Any Webpage Look Like It Was Made By A 13 Year-Old In 1996

    “Make Any Webpage Look Like It Was Made By A 13 Year-Old In 1996”

  39. FitText - A plugin for inflating web type

    “Use this [jQuery] plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.” Nice. (via @simonw)

  40. Kern.js - Make web kerning suck less.

    Nice: if you’re using Lettering.js on your page, this lets you adjust the text on the page until it looks right, then gives you the CSS adjustments to match your final look.

  41. Lettering.js - A jQuery plugin for radical web typography.

    Quite nice - adds spans around individual letters, words or lines so you can easily style them with CSS. But all that extra HTML feels “wrong” to me, even if it’s generated automatically. Some pretty examples though.

  42. Still “forgetting the styles of archaic technologies” | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    “Professional screen design is all about forgetting. Forgetting and ignoring the browser, the interface, pixels, … We should do something about it in 2012.”

  43. Making the Perfect Listing - Gidsy

    A very nice guide to how to list something on this “community marketplace”. Scroll down and things move… (via @mattb)

  44. Golden Grid System

    This looks very nice. Making a stretchable grid for web pages, that changes the number of columns depending on the page width. I want to play with this. (via Waxy)

  45. 4 key pieces of audience engagement missing from Andy Rutledge’s news redux

    Also, Martin Belam’s good critique of Andy Rutledge’s unofficial redesign of a New York Times page.

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  1. webdevelopment (831)
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  8. history (161)
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  10. css (159)
