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Links tagged with “via:matlock”

  1. How Jon Snow dissing the PlayStation 4 explains why no one cares you can’t afford a house

    Oh, yes, all of this. I’m baffled how things like TV and radio news seem to be written by and for white men over 50. God, that sounds naive now I’ve written it down. Duh. But still. (via @matlock)

  2. Huhne and Pryce went to jail despite their privilege, not because of it

    Yes, all this. All the “oh, they don’t deserve it, jail will be so hard for them,” talk makes me so angry given the ludicrous sentences given for some other things that we must apparently be “robust” and “firm” in dealing with. (via @matlock)

  3. Shooters: How Video Games Fund Arms Manufacturers • Articles •

    On the licensing deals between gun makers and video games. “We want to know explicitly how the rifle is to be used, ensuring that we are shown in a positive light… Such as the ‘good guys’ using the rifle.” (via @matlock)

  4. Off The Page – David Hepworth on magazines and beyond: InPublishing

    On how much has changed. “…you could supply the NME’s news editor with a piece of information secure in the knowledge that it would not escape into the wider world for the week it took to get through the production and publication process and actually appear on the page.” (via @matlock)

  5. Is any of us fit to pick up the Olympic baton? | Snowblog

    “I am not alone in detecting a yearning to turn the extraordinary Olympic achievement into an engine for pulling together to deliver Olympic scale achievements with and for the wider Team GB, ourselves no less.” Easier said than done but, yes, this. (via @matlock)

  6. London 2012: Beware billions bollocks. Ceremony to be huge TV hit, but not that huge « Sporting Intelligence

    This is needed for every major TV event. And this doesn’t even take into account that NBC in the US isn’t showing the opening ceremony live.

  7. Trevor Kavanagh learns a hard lesson about human rights and due process « Richard Wilson’s blog

    This is what I thought (only written much better) when I read about Trevor Kavanagh’s whining about the arrests of Sun journalists this morning. Live by the sword… (via @matlock)

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