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Links tagged with “underground”

  1. Secret Underground

    “Smart ways around the tube system.” I’ll never remember these, but interesting and handy nonetheless. (via @antimega)

  2. For 2 weeks only – alternative tube maps on display

    Photos of the work of Max Roberts on the tube map. Photos, rather than decent graphics unfortunately. Can’t find better versions of his stuff online, so “wins”.

  3. London Tubemap - A new angle on the London Underground

    I like the original, but this compromise does feel more usefully connected to the geography of the city, rather than a complete abstraction. (via @benhammersley)

  4. IanVisits » London Underground’s “secret” tube station

    A fake tube station used for training staff in an office block. (via @jameswallis)

  5. Live map of London Underground trains

    Lovely quick thing from Matthew Somerville, a map of where tube trains are right now. Moving. Live. Magic.

  6. London Underground Tube Diary - Going Underground’s Blog

    Inside those tube carriages you can see on top of a viaduct in Shoreditch. Shame the video’s no longer available. (via Blech)

  7. Meish dot org » Things my new commute has taught me #1

    Meg Pickard on the hierarchy of positions in a Hammersmith & City Line carriage. It annoys me that I already know this stuff. I don’t want to.

  8. Music: Pocketbooks: Indie-Pop | Nothing But Green Lights: A UK mp3 blog.

    Loving this song. The first to feature an Oyster Card and London Underground fare boundaries? Sometimes it’s like Sarah Records never went away.

  9. Freesound :: view pack :: london underground

    I’m not sure why sounds recorded from the Tube are interesting, but they are. (via Plasticbag)

  10. London Tube Map With Distance Grids

    The conventional tube map with geographic distortions shown by a bendy grid. (via Tom Carden)

  11. LRB | Rose George : Diary

    Subscribers-only or pay-for, but an interesting account of going into London’s sewers. She’s working on a book about human waste…

  12. LRB | James Meek : Crocodile’s Breath

    Fascinating book review of ‘The Subterranean Railway’, about the London Underground.

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  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
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  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
