Links tagged with “uk”
Write to Reply
Aims to provide a way to comment on individual paragraphs of public reports (starting with ‘Digital Britain’). Great stuff (not sure about the way comments are integrated (or not) though).
The little page of TRANSPORT CHAOS
Great idea. Love the descriptions of chaos levels. Longer-term graphs would be nice.
Corner Cottage, St Ives
We stayed here this past week. Lovely little place, great location, sleeps up to five. St Ives was great, if wet, this time of year: quiet, friendly, beautiful and tasty.
FreeAgent - Online accounting for freelancers and small businesses
Another online thing for freelance types, this one for accounting. Lots of UK-specific stuff.
A Typographic Survey of the City of London on Vimeo
Lovely little video about the typography used in public throughout the City. Only criticism: sound recording is very poor quality. Otherwise, fab. (via Blech)
Requirements for an invoice | Business Link
Not thrilling, but useful and clearly presented, for UK businesses.
Home (Barbican restaurants)
Wiki for restaurants local to the Barbican.
- - Roosters
I got a pair of boots from Roosters over twenty years ago and (after a long time of not wearing them) I still like them.
West End Whingers
I’m enjoying this blog’s theatre reviews. Intelligent but down to earth and nothing too obscure.
How does it feel to be loved? - london club night playing indie pop, northern soul, tamla motown, girl groups, sixties heartbreak
Sounds like an awesome club. Not that I ever go to clubs.
Friday’s Newspaper Front Pages | UK News | Sky News
Gallery of (some) UK newspapers, with permalink to the day. (For current day go to UK News, then see link under ‘UK News in Pictures’ on right.
Sounds Familiar?
More listenable accents and dialects, British, old and new, from the British Library.
BBC - Voices - The Voices Recordings
Recordings of different accents from around the UK.
Digital Pianos UK Piano Page Forum Free Advice on Pianos.
Another piano forum.
William Heath’s blog » A place to live
William Heath is looking for a place to create a “co-housing” project - people living slightly communally. The search is interesting.
The School Of Life - Homepage
“A new cultural enterprise based in central London offering intelligent instruction on how to lead a fulfilled life.” A religion without religion? Intriguing. (via Kottke)
HS_LicensedVenueList.pdf (application/pdf Object)
City of London venues licensed for weddings.
Venues in Islington
Wedding venues
Futurelab - Innovation in education
“Transforming the way people learn through innovative technology and practice.” Interesting looking place, based in Bristol.
Facebook | I Know Hans Montanana
A group for the music teacher at my old school. Reading the many enthusiastic posts… it’s like he’s the lead in a Hollywood movie about a teacher inspiring kids or something. Lovely.
New College, Oxford - College Oaks
That story from ‘How Buildings Learn’ about the oak trees being grown to replace the dining hall’s beams? The important part is apparently not true.
Bristol - Real Time Information
Real-time information of buses’ departure from bus stops, tracking buses fitted with GPS. Not the most beautifully implemented thing in the world but it looks like it works (eg, try postcode “BS1 5TR”). (via City of Sound)
BSA Actor Training
Part-time courses in London from somewhere I haven’t heard of. (I keep meaning to collate such places in a post. One day.)
YouTube - Wills’s Girls
Interviews with women who used to work at Wills’ tobacco factory in Bristol. Lovely, but would have been much better if we could just see the women being interviewed, instead of all the graphics.
YouTube - Bristol In The 1920s
Lovely old footage of bits of Bristol. Presumably with sound added more recently. (via the Bristol Blogger)
Condé Nast set for a flurry of launches - Brand Republic News - Brand Republic
Apparently planning a UK edition of ‘Wired’. Hahahahaha Boohoohoohoo. (via Haddock)
Save the Railway Path | The campaign to save the Bristol to Bath cycle path from being turned into a bus-lane
Protest site over some daffy plans to let buses run alongside the peaceful but well-used Bristol to Bath cycle path.
Cityofsound: Robin Hood Gardens is not the same as a digital model of Robin Hood Gardens
Dan Hill’s excellent summary of the protest going on over plans to demolish the London housing estate. I hope they renovate rather than destroy.
British Association for Performing Arts Medicine | BAPAM: health care for perfoming artists, musicians, dancers, actors
Specialist treatment for performers, including free health assessment clinics.
- - tickets for gigs, concerts and festivals
via ChrisDodo who says: “cheaper than the outrageous and shit seetickets”
Bristol Then and Now Photographs - Page One
Lots of animated images with photos of past and (nearly) present Bristol. A shame more of them don’t line up better, but still interesting.
Rickstones Yearbook 1986 - a photoset on Flickr
Photos and drawings from my school 21 years ago. You can see me in class 4R (the same photo as 4C on the thumbnails). Also, top row of thumbnails, fourth from left. Good work Ted!
Flickr: mills70’s photos tagged with rickstones
I’m enjoying Ted’s photos from our school in the 1980s. Fashions were strange weren’t they.
Danny O’Brien’s Oblomovka - Celebrating ORG’s Second Birthday
The Open Rights Group is doing fantastic things for the UK online world. I joined when they started and if you join now the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust will match your contribution. Go!
Like my but more comprehensive (yay) but only for UK newspapers (aww) and with higher ideals (yay).
Moving Target: Cyclist-killing lorry driver fined £300
Yes, the lorry driver must feel awful, but he wasn’t looking where he was going while steering an HGV round a corner. Only a 300 quid fine for killing someone!? Motorists get away with so much while driving dangerous machines.
Scarlet Mist - buy/sell spare music gig and Festival tickets ethically
Buy and sell UK and Ireland gig tickets at face value, avoiding eBay and touts.
Company v Sole Trader > the tax comparison (£3,000 tax saving ?)
Another comparison, with example figures for different levels of profit.
Using a Company to Save Tax
Very handy guide to the pros and cons of sole trader vs limited company. Better at explaining things than my accountant and well worth the cash.
TV Links
Lots and lots of TV that’s been on in the UK to (presumably illegally) watch online. (via Haddock)
Moving Target Forum - All Discussions
UK cycle courier forum. (Vanilla seems like the forum software of choice.)
Neighbourhood Fix-It
I keep forgetting the name of this. “Report, view, or discuss local problems like graffiti, fly tipping, broken paving slabs, or street lighting.” Reports go straight to the council concerned. Excellent. (via Tomski)
- | Email alerts of planning applications near you
New to me. It just works. I even get direct links to the council website to comment on each application. Wonderful. This is how council websites should work. (via Tomski)
Russell Davies: a possible date for your diary
A one-day London conference on interesting things. Could be excellent, although the flood of enthusiastic comments from advertising people don’t get my hopes up.
World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms in the UK.
Mexican Food, Chilies, Tomatillos at
New UK store - delivering Mexican food and ingredients to you. (via my page on London’s lack of Mexican restaurants.)
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music - Forums -> Viva Piano
Handy for tips on buying pianos, for when my fingers get twitchy and I need to window shop again.
Take Your Medicine - UK Music Podcast
Now I’ve found a podcast I like I *finally* see the point of them.
The New York Review of Books: City Lights
Review of Tristram Hunt’s ‘Building Jerusalem: The Rise and Fall of the Victorian City’. Were things better when wealthy Victorians did things for the plebs? (Subscribers only unfortunately)