Links tagged with “uk”
New Statesman | Tweeting a picture of a house is not an act of class warfare, whatever the Sun says
All this. What a stupid mess it all is. (via @Preoccupations)
Light, landscape, lives, Kate Kirkwood
Really lovely photos from the Lake District. Simple but gorgeous. (via The Online Photographer)
Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
In Cambridge, UK, horizon scanning for high impact, low probability events. (via the Guardian)
Tariff Notices - GOV.UK
An amazing list of very specific things that HMRC have had to classify for import and export purposes. “fireside companion set”, “article having a shape of a cylinder”, “stress balls, spectacles, goggles and the like”, etc.
Old Town Clothing - classic British workwear - Holt, Norfolk, England
Someone suggested to Put This On that this is wear Monty Don gets his clothes from.
QuantumBlack Visual Analytics Limited
“We’re a creative data science agency.” Dataviz type stuff. London.
Met Police encourages Twitter pile-ons (with images, tweets) · anyabike · Storify
Interesting, in an unpleasant way, to see how Twitter etiquette, and tone of voice, and the blurry lines between personal / professional Twitter accounts make this kind of thing get a bit horrible. (via @mildlydiverting)
How Britain exported next-generation surveillance — Matter — Medium
Finally got round to reading James’s piece on Automatic Number Plate Recognition cameras. It’s odd to think of this vast network of vision and computation churning away monitoring live and historical movements of people, invisibly.
Amazon unpacked -
From February 2013, on the poor-quality jobs Amazon is creating and the disappointment of many local people near their Rugeley warehouse. There is, though, something to be written about people disliking Amazon’s working conditions and fondly remembering… coal mining. (via Dan W)
A nation of slaves
Charlie Stross on the Conservatives’ target of “full employment”. I hate their (and Labour’s) “hardworking families” rhetoric as if work, any work at all, no matter how it’s achieved or what the alternatives might be, is an end in itself.
Politics doesn’t change anything
Examples of the many things changed by politics in the UK, as opposed to market-led “disruption”. (via Paul Mison)
What do those squiggles on the pavement actually mean?
How to interpret all the sprayed-on markings left by road crews on British pavements/roads.
Sea Level Rise Maps | Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets
Worst case for 2100 is estimated to be up to 1 metre of sea level rise. Which puts several nice bits of the UK coast (never mind Netherlands and Belgium) permanently under water. (via Paul Mison)
Lottie Dexter should quit - and take the Year of Code board with her - Adrian Short
This all sounds like such a horrible, shallow farce led by people who feel “entrepreneurship” is the sole thing that should be encouraged in children. Fuck that.
Kiln = Journalism + Data + Technology + Design
Small London company making interesting looking visualisations, maps, graphs etc. Ex-Guardian folks. (via CreativeJS)
Where will we live? by James Meek (LRB)
Linked to by everyone, for good reason. A good, long piece about the UK’s history of council and social housing, the architecture and planning, and where we are now. As with so many policy areas, I wish one of the main parties wanted to do something bold, different and good.
Diary by Peter Pomerantsev (London Review of Books)
Starts as a fascinating brief description of sistema, the pervasive Russian corruption, ends up starting to show how London is now a place where this is legitimised. Laundering crookedness.
Success by Benjamin Markovits (London Review of Books)
I’m not into sport but love articles like this, which ponders why England/GB has been successful in recent years at some sports. Business, statistics, culture, etc.
Sold Out by Stefan Collini (London Review of Books)
On how the UK’s universities have changed over recent decades, becoming bigger, more beholden to private interests, more expensive for students… the LRB’s best current affairs articles are all so depressing.
James Bridle, spotting and tracking the private coaches and planes that are deporting immigrants in our name. Good, difficult stuff.
I know many people roll their eyes at Adam Curtis, but no one writes these wide-ranging stories like he does, illustrated with video. (Even if I can’t watch the video because it’s Flash.)
Anatomy of a failed rendition
James, better than ever, digging into the network to track the plane, hired by the Home Office, that failed to deport a hunger striker, too weak to see or stand, from the UK. “…climbing and banking to avoid thunderheads and moral accountability.”
Financial calculators and tools collected
All the financial calculators, mostly UK-oriented, you could need.
They may have the money, but we have the tools of technology.
James Darling. I’ll be upfront about this: I find any, “We’re doing amazing worthwhile things at the government, doing Good, and it’s your duty to join us,” rhetoric really, really annoying. But this is still good stuff. And *such* an antidote if you’ve read one too many Silicon Valley boosterism posts on Medium.
Ian Penman reviews ‘Mod’ by Richard Weight · LRB 29 August 2013
This is packed with good stuff. The differences between the fans of trad and modern jazz. Mods as continental modernists, aesthetes. Mods compared to other subcultures. “Tellyology”: shaping history with both eyes on a potential TV series. Ray Davies. Miles Davis. Blur. Noel Gallagaher. Today’s Mod revival as a ploddy “dad rock” conservatism. The British Music Experience.
London’s Great Exodus
Seen lots of links to this today. Rather depressing, if you want London to be somewhere you and your friends can afford to live. “The city is essentially a tax haven with great theater, free museums and formidable dining.”
Britain from Above | Rescue the Past
This is amazing. Prepare to lose some time to looking up places you know. Over 47,000 aerial images of Britain from between 1919 and 1953.
John Lanchester · Are we having fun yet?: The Biggest Scandal of All · LRB 4 July 2013
This and the second part are so worth a read. Banks are mind-boggling.
What’s the difference between r/creepshots and a national newspaper?
I’ve become worryingly inured that the Mail, Sun etc are full of scantily clad young women, but why the Telegraph thinks this is news is beyond me. I’d say “the sooner the hypocritical newspapers die the better” but given, for example, the Mail’s online success, that won’t stop this.
East Anglian Film Archive: Basildon - Our Town, 1974
Short documentary about the Essex Town. Lots of council-provided facilities. Things that now look a bit small, grey and grim. A lot of standardised typefaces. Great stuff. (via @mala)
9 lazy portfolios for UK investors
It’s annoyingly rare to come across UK-specific guidelines for portfolios, so this up-to-date set of examples is handy.
10 questions about Cameron’s ‘new’ porn-blocking | Paul Bernal’s Blog
All this. Censoring illegal content is one thing, assuming it can be done, but anything else is a slippery slope into a whole can of mixed metaphors.
RSS commission new research into public perceptions of statistics | RSSeNews
The British public thinks it lives in Daily Mail fantasy horror world. (via @wonderlandblog)
A blog of modernist etc houses for sale in the UK (see also ‘Modernist Estates’ for the apartment equivalent).
The Way They Live Now by Michael Lewis | The New York Review of Books
A good review by Michael Lewis of John Lanchester’s ‘Capital’. I’ve realised there’s, often something extra enjoyable in reviews of very British books by Americans, and vice versa.
Olia Lialina & Dragan Espenschied | Artist Talks at The Photographers’ Gallery | The Photographers’ Gallery
Geocities, 90s web culture, etc. Could be good, see you there.
Modernist Estates
A blog collecting modernist homes in the UK that are for sale. Nice stuff.
Welcome to Toytown: what life is like in new-build Britain | Society | The Guardian
‘“It’s referred to as a village, but it’s an estate,” Terri insists. “The fact that it was all built at the same time means it’s an estate. Villages evolve, don’t they?”’
Huhne and Pryce went to jail despite their privilege, not because of it
Yes, all this. All the “oh, they don’t deserve it, jail will be so hard for them,” talk makes me so angry given the ludicrous sentences given for some other things that we must apparently be “robust” and “firm” in dealing with. (via @matlock)
Digital Pianos - Which Brand Should I Buy
Every few years I have a browse, and there’s so little comprehensive information around online. This site is a bit of a sprawling mess but has tons of stuff on it. It sounds nicely honest for a shop. [UPDATE: The owner also owns the Classenti brand, the brand of pianos he favours here… not so honest after all.]
New Residential Tower For City Road Approved
Blimey, that’s huge! The current half-built towers (on the left) already look oppressively tall for this spot.
Scarfolk Council
“Scarfolk is a town in North West England that did not progress beyond 1979.” Very nicely done tone and artefacts. Hauntology as fictional blog kind of thing. (via @harikunzru)
‘Not believing in God makes life more precious’: meet the atheist ‘churchgoers’ | World news | The Guardian
A few years ago I was wondering what an atheist Sunday “service” would be like. here we are.
The stupid cookie law is dead at last | Silktide blog
“History has shown us that whenever a law opposes the will of the people, it doesn’t tend to do much. It may have been illegal to tape songs off the radio, but there’s little appetite from police officers to cart schoolchildren off to prison for it. And so it is here.” (via @tomskitomski)
The Last Places
Henry VIII’s wine cellar, once part of Whitehall Palace, still exists under the Ministry of Defence. Although the entire cellar was moved, in one piece, when the MoD was being built. (via ?)
Short Cuts (London Review of Books)
Paul Myerscough on Pret a Manger. 91% of employees are immigrants. Social security as a subsidy to companies whose products would otherwise be too expensive for their non-social-security-receiving customers.
Let’s Call it Failure (London Review of Books)
John Lanchester on good, if depressing, form on the state of the UK economy and “austerity”.
Barbican, 1969 - YouTube
Documentary about the Barbican, including footage of the then nearly-completed buildings, and (at 15:40) a look inside one of the show flats.
London Centre for Book Arts
New, in Hackney, devoted to artists’ books. They do classes on printing, binding, etc. (via the Guardian)
Makeshift // Catalogue // Pylons of Great Britain
Paricularly for the spotter’s guide image of different pylon designs, and the construction diagrams. (via