Links tagged with “sass”
BEM 101 | CSS-Tricks
Pragmatic summary of the Block, Element, Modifier CSS style that wasn’t around last time I went down this rabbit hole.
Transitioning to SCSS at Scale
How Etsy moved from “400,000+ lines of CSS split over 2000+ files” to using SCSS.
Sass Guidelines
Really good, whether you agree with all the decisions or not. I now want to reorganise all my Sass files. (via Tom Taylor)
How to structure a Sass project
Another thing I thought I’d bookmarked ages ago. This is pretty much what I do these days.
IE-friendly mobile-first CSS with Sass 3.2
Via previous link, on serving separate, slightly different, stylesheets for old IEs and everything else.
Responsive grid system which works in IE6 | Technology at GDS
Using SCSS. And not an ugly hack. Having been thinking about grids/page structure at work recently, and needing to support old browsers, this is handy. (via @benterrett)
Learning Susy | Zell Liew
This ($39) book’s good if you’re struggling to get to grips with Susy, the SASS/CSS layout framework. Does a nice job of explaining things in a way that makes more sense than the documentation.
8 Sass mixins you must have in your toolbox
Some handy things for use with SASS. (via Infovore)
Susy: Responsive grids for Compass
Looks like a very nice way to do CSS grids if SASS and Compass are your thing. (via Infovore)
Jezdez/django_compressor - GitHub
“Combines and compresses linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django templates into cacheable static files by using the compress template tag.” Can work with Sass CSS I believe.
Compass Home | Compass Documentation
“An open-source CSS Authoring Framework” which uses Sass. There’s always more to learn.
Sass - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets
“Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.” Compiles sass files into CSS files.