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Links tagged with “photos”

  1. 90sartschool • Instagram

    Just photos of people at art school in the 1990s. The clothes, the posters, the old photo colours, the way people behaved in photos then, the cool. (via Web Curios)

  2. Onlooker Postcards | Flickr

    Fantastic collection of postcards that all feature a person looking out at the view. Oddly eerie. (via Web Curios)

  3. London Cafes in The 1980s - Flashbak

    Lots of nice photos by Peter Marshall. (via FaveJet)

  4. Barbican centre construction 1970s | Flickr

    91 colour photos! Beech street before it was covered! Cut-away below-podium views! Gardens without plants! Views across London from the towers! Donkey jackets! Brilliant.

  5. Atlas Minor • Fireworks

    What a great photo, and a lovely paragraph that echoes my mind at the moment.

  6. Cody Cobb

    Lovely landscape photography. (via The Online Photographer)

  7. chris dorley-brown

    Some lovely photos of mostly east London. Good colours and more. (via The Online Photographer)

  8. Lychee — Self-hosted photo-management done right

    PHP and MySQL thing for hosting your own photo library. Nice, possibly, although I find the demo frustratingly un-web-like. (via Infovore)

  9. Light, landscape, lives, Kate Kirkwood

    Really lovely photos from the Lake District. Simple but gorgeous. (via The Online Photographer)

  10. My Life in the Bush of Ghosts: WATCH

    Photos from Eno and Byrne’s 1981(?) recording session. (via The Online Photographer)

  11. Britain from Above | Rescue the Past

    This is amazing. Prepare to lose some time to looking up places you know. Over 47,000 aerial images of Britain from between 1919 and 1953.

  12. 1906 Earthquake Blended with Today | Shawn Clover

    Lovely merging of photos of San Francisco from 1906 and today. (via New Aesthetic)

  13. Interpreting Black and White, Part I

    I really like the differences in how people treated the same black and white photo.

  14. straup/parallel-flickr @ GitHub

    Wonderful. Aaron Straup Cope’s project to allow a self-hosted mirror of your Flickr photos, with all their data, permissions and same-structure URLs. (via Waxy)

  15. LR-iTunes – Lightroom to iTunes plug-in - John Beardsworth

    A handy, free Adobe Lightroom plugin that makes it simple to export albums of photos to a folder that iTunes can then sync with your iPhone/iPad.

  16. Voices Of East Anglia: Inside the Oxford Street HMV Store in the Sixties

    Lots of great photos of what it used to look like. I love that sweeping staircase. (via @antimega)

  17. Flickr: Faces illuminated by Displays

    I love seeing faces lit up by screens at night. A beautiful and only modern sight. (via The New Aesthetic)

  18. Flickrgram

    “A quick hack to present your Flickr contacts’ recent photos as a flat list for iPhone” a la Instagram, by Tom Insam. Is handy and nice.

  19. Bike Pictures on

    Mainly for the “Bike Catalogs” section, full of old brochures which were handy for trying to identify poorly-described old bikes on eBay. For example.

  20. Liddy Scheffknecht | iGNANT

    Photos of buildings covered in scaffolding with everything except the scaffolding removed. (Thanks James.)

  21. Scaffoldage

    A great Tumblr blog of photos of very impressive scaffolding. Better than that sounds. (Thanks @blech)

  22. Thoughts of a Bohemian » Blog Archive » The fire this time

    It’s not just digital archives that are being destroyed: The liquidator in charge of the defunct Corbis Sygma agency is planning to destroy an archive of 12 million photos. We need a real world Archive Team. Grrrrrrrrr. (via The Online Photographer)

  23. Hundreds of Tourist Photos Weaved into One (18 total) - My Modern Metropolis

    Really stunning images of tourist sites made out of hundreds of overlaid tourist snaps. Beautiful. I want these on my walls. (via Blech)

  24. Flickr: The Broad Street & old Liverpool Street station, London Pool

    Some good old pics. I should remember a lot more of the old Liverpool and Broad Street stations than I do.

  25. CONVOY

    Not sure about this scrapbook. Some nice interiors and products, but all a bit too tastefully hipster. 


    Also quite a good scrapbook, although a higher adolescent incidence of naked ladies (so 40% chance of NSFW).


    Sorting out my bookmarks, I have a few image scrapbooks like this. Love this one. No comments, just interesting images grabbed from all over. Absorbing. (Occasionally NSFW.)

  28. OCA TAoP Assignment 3: Neighbourhood - a set on Flickr

    A set of lovely photos of Walton-on-the-Naze, better than the usual holiday snapshots that crop up there. Very British Seaside.

  29. Chapter 10 - Examples (from Digital Restoration 1st-ed) (PDF)

    Fascinating, close to magic. Second edition of the book is out now and I’d love to do this kind of thing. You know, if I managed to double my available time.

  30. Awkward Stock Photos

    Can’t. Stop. Looking. Just. One. More. Page… (via Kottke)

  31. Historypin | Home

    This is rather nice, especially when you finally get to viewing the historical photos in place in Google Streetview. (via Beyond the Beyond)

  32. Issues with how Apple Aperture 3 writes metadata

    What a mess. Although some of these issues might have been fixed in the just-released 10.6.4 OS X update which “addresses IPTC metadata compatibility issues” in Aperture 3…?

  33. Apple - Support - Discussions - Import iPhoto Title as Aperture Version …

    Importing iPhoto library into Aperture and hanging on to your photos’ titles. (I used the iPhoto Browser, not Import iPhoto Library, although this can cause Faces and Places data to be lost.)

  34. A History of Obama Feigning Interest in Mundane Things — Daily Intel

    This is terrible - these “mundane things” are all science and engineering things which could be fascinating. It’s like the cool kids pointing and laughing at geeks.

  35. MemoryMiner: Digital Storytelling for Macintosh & The Web

    “It lets you zero in on the stories depicted in your photos by linking them to each other based on people, places and time.” Haven’t tried it, unclear why I should.

  36. TinEye Reverse Image Search

    Supply it with an image and it will look for other uses of that image on the web. (via Meish)

  37. BLDGBLOG: Remnants of the Biosphere

    Wow. Amazing to think this could be part of suburbs - I visited in 1997 and it was in the middle of nowhere.

  38. Looking Into the Past - a gallery on Flickr

    Lovely photos featuring an old photo of the same view held between camera and background. Oh, just look, it’ll make more sense.

  39. Flogr - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Looks like a nice way to make a portfolio site from your photos stored on Flickr. Example: (via Infovore)

  40. Art Fag City » IMG MGMT: The Nine Eyes of Google Street View

    First, interesting essay on Google Street View as photography/art. Second, really wonderful photos found around the world on it. (via Blech)

  41. Cars parked illegally in bike lanes in London -

    It’s vehicles stopping in the advance cycle boxes that annoy me most, because it’s so easy not to do.

  42. Walton Rocks! - a set on Flickr

    A nice simple set of photos of bits of Walton-on-the-Naze, Essex.

  43. Richard Nicholson Photography - ‘Last One Out, Please Turn On the Light’

    Lovely and sad photos of disappearing darkrooms. A good accompaniment to those photos of Soho record shops that went round a while back. I miss darkrooms. (via Infovore)

  44. Antigraffiti - a set on Flickr

    More painted-over graffiti creating its own blank graffiti from Adam/Vert.

  45. Photographic collection homepage from London transport museum

    More than 16,000 historical photos of London, nicely browsable. You can even add comments to each one. Would be nice if they enlarged bigger, but otherwise fab.

  46. Tag Based PHP Photo Album | JuxtaPhoto

    Looks nice, but haven’t tried it. Single user only.

  47. Gallery | Your photos on your website

    Very full-featured, a bit complicated, but very polished PHP/MySQL photo gallery. Installed easily, multiple users, nice themes. Win.

  48. PhpAlbum | PHP Photo Album - Gallery

    Photo album that doesn’t use a conventional database, supports multiple users I think. Demo looks horribly like phpBB. Tried installing and just got a blank page. Gave up.

  49. Zenphoto

    PHP/MySQL photo gallery. Front-end looks gorgeous. But a couple of silly awkward problems made it tricky to install and the admin interface was a bit baffling. No multiple users.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
