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Links tagged with “nytimes”

  1. How the Virus Won - The New York Times

    Very good telling of the story. This is all a bit much isn’t it. (via Waxy)

  2. A Business With No End - The New York Times

    Amazing, odd look at a network of strange online stores and real shops and a Christian university and Newsweek.

  3. Ten Meter Tower - The New York Times

    “we found 67 people who had never been on a 10-meter diving tower before, and had never jumped from that high.” And then filmed them trying to get up the courage. Riveting. (via Kottke)

  4. London’s Great Exodus

    Seen lots of links to this today. Rather depressing, if you want London to be somewhere you and your friends can afford to live. “The city is essentially a tax haven with great theater, free museums and formidable dining.”

  5. Over the Decades, How States Have Shifted - Interactive Feature -

    Really nice visualisation of how different states have voted over time. (via The Functional Art)

  6. The Entrepreneurial Generation -

    This is good - this generation’s “thing” is starting small businesses. “Our culture hero is not the artist or reformer, not the saint or scientist, but the entrepreneur.” Although it falls apart a bit when suggesting hipsters have only been around for 15 years. (via Waxy)

  7. British Debt History -

    UK natonal debt as a percentage of GDP since 1830. The current levels, justification for all these cuts, are nothing.

  8. A 53% Surge in Poverty Rate Is Reshaping Suburbs -

    I’ve thought for years, decades, that when sprawling suburbs with few through roads stop being comfortably wealthy, their unlivableness is going to be horribly apparent. Dead ends in two senses.

  9. Design View / Andy Rutledge - News Redux

    For completeness, I might as well link to the post that started this flurry of digital news design posts, Andy Rutledge’s attempt to redesign a page of the New York Times.

  10. Designing a big news site is about more than beauty » Nieman Journalism Lab » Pushing to the Future of Journalism

    Good thoughts on why designing news websites is hard. Maybe it’s impossible with one design: too many competing stakeholders and use cases. (via Daring Fireball)

  11. How to Merge Two Airlines - Graphic -

    A post-it timeline from Delta Air Lines’ headquarters outlining its gradual merger with Northwest. (via Cal)

  12. Tea Party Lights Fuse for Rebellion on Right -

    interesting article on the “Tea Party” Right in America. Also scary. Hadn’t realised how much they had in common with crazy paranoid Patriots.

  13. From Fish to Infinity - Opinionator Blog -

    The start of a series explaining maths to adults. Sounds good. There’s a link to Steven Strogatz’s own RSS feed at the bottom of the right column. (via Kottke)

  14. Legally required paid annual leave around the world, in days (05wwln.400.690.jpg)

    Although some US states do have legal minimums apparently (via Haddock)

  15. Op-Ed Contributor - For Sale - The $100 House -

    This is fascinating, showing a way the make-up of parts of cities could change drastically due to the recession. Although I wonder whether the journalist is extrapolating from an isolated one-off incident. (via Kottke)

  16. Article Skimmer

    NY Time’s prototype news viewer. Nice idea but it equalises the importance of all but one of the stories. I want a newspaper to tell me what it thinks is important (even if it’s wrong). Otherwise it’s not a newspaper, it’s a database.

  17. Breaking Through - New York Times

    Just because I find it interesting what movies make a performer’s reputation, and in some cases makes it harder for them to different roles later. (via Kottke)

  18. Evolution and Religion - Darwin’s God - Robin Marantz Henig - New York Times

    Why do people hold irrational, superstitious, religious views, and why does it persist over generations? Is there an evolutionary benefit? (via Kottke)

  19. Wallflower at the Web Party - New York Times

    Why Friendster floundered. I love reading technology failure (or not quite success) stories. (via ChrisDodo)

  20. Roger Federer as Religious Experience - Tennis - New York Times

    I have no interest in sport but David Foster Wallace always makes tennis fascinating. Not that I’ve got round to reading this yet. (via Kottke)

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