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Links tagged with “media”

  1. Links on Status and Culture - January 2024

    For the entire section on Macro vs four kinds of Micro culture/content.

  2. How Jon Snow dissing the PlayStation 4 explains why no one cares you can’t afford a house

    Oh, yes, all of this. I’m baffled how things like TV and radio news seem to be written by and for white men over 50. God, that sounds naive now I’ve written it down. Duh. But still. (via @matlock)

  3. Where is the Roger Ebert’s commissioning editor of games? - newsmary

    I’m always bemused by the game coverage in newspapers etc being relegated to a tiny corner (at best) when, for example, “alternative” music and “art house” films get prominent coverage, when both are less mainstream than popular games.


    I hope this new series of Adam Curtis posts on fake objectivity and neutrality analyse his own style. Really, that would be fascinating.

  5. On The Network

    Derek Powazek chronicling dumbly critical mentions of the internet in the media. If I still listened to the Today programme I bet I’d come up with some. (via Waxy)

  6. Mediagazer

    Don’t know if it’s good, but the method sounds interesting: “…the day’s must-read media news on a single page. … We’ve combined sophisticated automated aggregation technologies with direct editorial input from knowledgeable human editors…”

  7. 11 years old, on the pill and sexually active? The media loses the news again

    I’m increasingly interested in the real stories behind shouty news headlines. The kind of background digging Ben Goldacre, and Dr Petra here, does with science reporting needs to be done with most stories. (via Alice)

  8. April Fool Funeral at Improv Everywhere

    For the clip of the US TV news show lifting an April Fool from the Improv Everywhere site and reporting it as if it was real, without doing any checking.

  9. Television Tropes & Idioms - Home Page

    Big wiki cataloging “devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members’ minds and expectations”. Big, big time sink.

  10. 2.0 Expo 2008: Clay Shirky

    Or watch Clay give that “how do they find the time?” talk in person on this video. Worth it; he’s an awesome speaker. (via Daring Fireballl)

  11. Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody

    Clay on the answer to “where do they [gamers, Wikipedias, bloggers, etc.] find the time?” By watching less TV. Great stuff.

  12. Donnacha DeLong: The Journalist article

    Another dumb NUJ versus the forces of progress article. Established media is authoritative and experienced. Normal people are sometimes inaccurate. Therefore “Web 2.0” is bad. (via Haddock)

  13. The NUJ’s blinkered approach to online : October 2007 : Shane Richmond : Technology : Telegraph Blogs

    Brilliant dissection of a dumb article about the effect of new media on the role of journalists’. (via Haddock)


    Like my but more comprehensive (yay) but only for UK newspapers (aww) and with higher ideals (yay).

  15. How To Choose CD/DVD Archival Media » Ad Terras Per Aspera

    Use DVD+R discs manufactured by Taiyo Yuden, if you can identify it. (via Daring Fireball)

  16. Rootburn: Pressure Connections

    Maybe we need something like A Month Of Unsubscribing - unsub from one RSS feed a day for a month. As a start. (via 2lmc)

  17. Armando Iannucci - That’s enough entertainment, thanks - Telegraph - 2004-04-12

    How we’ll never read/see/hear everything we want to, and how we should cope with that. Too. Much. Stuff.

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