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Links tagged with “maps”

  1. Medieval Murder Maps

    Zoomable, scrollable maps of medieval London, York and Oxford with locations and details of murders, deaths, etc. that took place. Nicely done.

  2. Russell Bell | Portfolio - Barbican before the Blitz

    I’ve a feeling I’ve seen this before, but apparently didn’t link to it. Lovely and interesting. (via Things Magazine)

  3. Map Finder - with Outlines - National Library of Scotland

    I’m sure I’ve seen this before, but I always forget it. Browsable historical Ordnance Survey maps of the UK.

  4. Bench Mark Database

    Database of bench marks that were used by Ordnance Survey to position their levelling staves.

  5. Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation

    Looks like a nice OpenStreetMap-based mapping phone app, with offline maps. Also, open source, and no trackers. (via @MythicBeasts)

  6. Home | Layers of London | Recording the Layers of London’s Rich Heritage

    I think this is a good collection of old maps layered on a modern one although I was slightly baffled when trying it on an iPad. (via Things Magazine)

  7. Map of Reddit

    I love maps of the internet. (via Web Curios)

  8. Explore georeferenced maps - Map images - National Library of Scotland

    A lot of old OS maps as tiled overlays on modern maps.

  9. ONS Basemaps Comparison

    Nice way to compare places in the UK on new and old maps.

  10. Draw all roads in a city at once

    More beautiful and interesting than I expected. Also, it maps counties, towns, villages, etc.

  11. Scott Reinhard Maps

    He “takes old geological survey maps and combines them with elevation data to produce these wonderful hybrid topographic maps” as Kottke describes it.

  12. Planet parts: Global data streams

    “Near-realtime Earth observation resources” A good collection, for future reference.

  13. Surging Seas: Risk Zone Map

    I don’t think I’d seen these sea-level rise maps by Stamen before. Nice. Scary, but nice.

  14. The Deleted City 3.0

    Zoomable map of the GeoCities filesystem. (via FlowingData)

  15. Medieval Fantasy City Generator by watabou

    “This application generates a random medieval city layout of a requested size.” (via FlowingData)

  16. The Agas Map

    Really nicely done zoomable, clickable, searchable perspective map of London from the 16th century. Very good.

  17. TimeMapper - Make Timelines and TimeMaps fast!

    Make a timeline thing, including maps, using Google Spreadsheets as the data source.

  18. Sheetsee.js

    “A client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.” Obviously requires JavaScript, but looks like a nice way to create easily-editable data, charts, maps.

  19. Olympic Races, in Your Neighborhood - The New York Times

    Very nicely-done (couldn’t be simpler) thing showing you how long and fast races are from your address. A bit like BERG’s old How Big Really.

  20. Generating fantasy maps

    A nice post on how the imaginary maps for @unchartedatlas are generated using JavaScript.

  21. How to use Land Registry data to explore land ownership near you | Anna’s blog

    Nice clear description of two ways to view basic Land Registry data about an area. A shame it even takes this much work. And the Ordnance Survey stuff is so locked down. And Land Registry data lookups cost £3.

  22. Home - London’s Silent Cinemas

    “It documents the early lives of over 700 cinemas across London and its suburbs” from 1906 to around 1930. The map’s really good.

  23. Ghost Streets of Los Angeles

    Seeing the paths of, probably, old streetcar lines in the shapes of buildings in satellite photos.

  24. Who’s On First · Mapzen

    On making, basically, a database of places. You don’t need to understand the technical details to get a sense of the huge difficulties in translating these odd human concepts into something more computery. From August 2015. (via @simonw)

  25. The True Size Of …

    Nice way of comparing the size of a country, with it resizing as you drag it North and South. (via @benhammersley)

  26. Private Eye | Official Site - Selling England by the offshore pound

    Map of the UK showing individual freehold and leasehold properties registered by offshore companies between 2005 and July 20014. Great stuff. And nice to see the Eye doing this kind of thing. (via @genmon)

  27. The Jefferson Grid (@the.jefferson.grid) • Instagram photos and videos

    Lovely. Aerial shots of squares of the US as marked out by the Public Land Survey System, originally created in 1785. (via Bldgblog)

  28. Insurance Plan of London Vol. VI: sheet 135 – 1887 – Chas E Goad Limited – Chas E Goad Limited – Visualize

    After a lot of clicking through lists of sheets I found this 1887 map of where we live. So many buildings. Book marblers! Feather warehouse! Umbrella factory! Tranters Temperance Hotel! Nicely done, British Library.

  29. Fire insurance maps and plans

    The dull title, and initial interface, doesn’t do this collection justice. Really, really detailed old maps of towns - lots of London - showing individual buildings and usage, each sheet carefully overlaid onto Google maps. It’s an effort to find a particular area though.


    Draw on a map, or import geo data files, and get the data out in various other formats. Beautifully simple. (via Tom Taylor)

  31. MapTiler - map overlay, cut map tiles for Google Maps, GIS layers and mobile apps – MapTiler

    Hmm, maybe something like this will make it not-a-pain to overlay a historic London map on Google Maps for Pepys’ Diary. If I can find a decent copyright-free one.

  32. Earth View from Google Maps - Chrome Web Store

    Chrome extension that shows a new satellite image of a place on Earth in every new tab. Beatiful. (via @matthewward)

  33. Locating London’s Past

    Amazingly good versions of the 1746 Rocque map of London, and the first (1869-80) OS map. All fully tiled, zoomable searchable, etc. The mapping methodology page makes me glad I never tried this. (via @agpublic)

  34. Sea Level Rise Maps | Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets

    Worst case for 2100 is estimated to be up to 1 metre of sea level rise. Which puts several nice bits of the UK coast (never mind Netherlands and Belgium) permanently under water. (via Paul Mison)

  35. Europe etymology maps 1

    Maps showing which European countries use different common-ish words for something, and where those terms originated. (via @tomcoates)

  36. Tecznts - The construction of “Big Ben” in London in 1859…

    If you rely on Big Ben to set your timepieces - and who doesn’t? - this 1875 map shows you how to adjust for the delay of the sound reaching you, depending on where you are in London. So good.

  37. Britain from Above | Rescue the Past

    This is amazing. Prepare to lose some time to looking up places you know. Over 47,000 aerial images of Britain from between 1919 and 1953.

  38. Antimeridian Cutting

    From that previous d3 examples talk, simply because moving your mouse over this map is extremely satisfying. Wheeeee…

  39. For Example

    A transcript of a talk Mike Bostock gave at Eyeo about good examples, using lots of good, live, examples of d3 diagrams, maps, etc. Really good. Also, made my iPad 1 completely restart… (via The Functional Art)

  40. The top 20 data visualisation tools | Feature | .net magazine

    A nice summary of everything from Excel to Gephi. (via Dotcode)

  41. GeoGuessr - Let’s explore the world!

    And this is good fun, while you’re waiting for your collection of candies to grow. I got 7457 on my first and, so far, only round. (via @antimega)

  42. David Rumsey Historical Map Collection

    Old maps overlaid on their modern Google Maps. I want to add something like this, using a 17th-ish century map of London, to the Pepys site. Somehow. (via Kottke)

  43. ViziCities development diary #1: One month in | Rawkes

    This is great. Not just an interesting project — making a SimCity-like 3D view of a city’s data, on the web — but a lovely high-level (no actual code) description of learning how to solve and improve something. (via @neb)

  44. Anna Catherine Dr to Summer Rain Dr - Google Maps

    Impressive: two houses in Florida that back on to each other, but to get from one to the other by road is a 7 mile journey. (via Paul Mison)

  45. Global Offshore Wind Farms Database

    Ugly, and lacking a key, but a detailed map of offshore windfarms.

  46. Melissa Price

    Topographic maps of (only) London’s rivers or London’s hills. Nice idea, although monochrome relief seems rather dull after seeing Stamen’s terrain maps. And the labels seem rather OTT.

  47. Satellite Eyes

    Tom Taylor made a really lovely thing. If you use a Mac you should try it.

  48. Stamen design | is live

    If you’re at all interested or curious about maps and what can be done with them online, this and the following four posts are fascinating and well worth a read. Amazing, generous work.

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  10. maps (159)
