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Links tagged with “macosx”

  1. Nitro® for macOS

    Interesting new photo-editing (and organisation?) app. A bit short on details so far, but I’m hoping it does everything I dream of.

  2. Zed - Code at the speed of thought

    A new text editor. Looks interesting. (via Guy Moorhouse’s newsletter)

  3. alberti42/Volume-Control: Successor of iTunes Volume Control

    Control or Spotify volume (and not the system volume) with your Mac’s keyboard’s volume controls.

  4. Doppler Music Player for Mac and iOS

    I’m always on the verge of trying an alternative to Apple’s and this looks good. Maybe…

  5. Catalog all your data on Disks, DVDs, and CDs with NeoFinder!

    Looks pretty impressive, for organising music, video, photos (Exif, IPTC, XMP data, and a map). For Mac, plus iOS apps for searching your database. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  6. RhetTbull/osxphotos

    “Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata.” (via Colin Devroe)

  7. Marc’s Place - SetEXIFData

    Mac app front end to exiftool, for setting Exif data on photos and videos, including using a map to set their location. A bit harder to see existing Exif data nicely. (via Colin Devroe)

  8. cormiertyshawn895/Retroactive: Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. Xcode 11.7 on macOS Mojave. Final Cut Pro 7, Logic Pro 9, and iWork ’09 on macOS Mojave or macOS High Sierra.

    “Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. Xcode 11.7 on macOS Mojave. Final Cut Pro 7, Logic Pro 9, and iWork ’09 on macOS Mojave or macOS High Sierra.”

  9. Moving to zsh – Scripting OS X

    This was helpful. Yes, I’ve just upgraded to Catalina. Hello 2019.

  10. dotfiles/ at master · lazerwalker/dotfiles

    Impressed by this kind of thing but I don’t think I set up a new Mac often enough to do this. (via FaveJet)

  11. Retrobatch, from Flying Meat

    Really nice batch image processing tool for Mac. I love the visual workflows.

  12. MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for OS X.

    “The open source Markdown editor for OS X.” Seems nice. (via Infovore)

  13. Marp - Markdown Presentation Writer

    Open source, multi-platform. Might be worth a look as I found Deckset frustrating and a bit limiting. (via Brett Terpstra)

  14. eject_all_disks

    AppleScript to eject all ejectable disks with one click. (via @craigmod)

  15. Play Button iTunes Patch | The Bit Guru

    This was incredibly useful - stop iTunes opening whenever you press Play on the Apple remote. Why would it do that?! Except this patch no longer works on El Capitan.

  16. Deckset for Mac: Turn your notes into beautiful presentations

    Presentation app that uses Markdown files. Aside from the current inability to create or edit the themes, it seems really nicely done. And currently 75% off. (via @rooreynolds)

  17. Discovering Sketch — .Sketch App — Medium

    Lots of people I know use Sketch but I’d never looked at it. Reading this I can see why people prefer it over Photoshop for many kinds of design. (via Daring Fireball)

  18. HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL)

    I keep forgetting the name of this whenever I want it. For downloading all the pages of a website and making a browsable version of it. Versions for Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.

  19. dotfiles/.osx at master · mathiasbynens/dotfiles

    An example script for setting loads of OS X system and application preferences. Although I so rarely set up a new computer, I quite enjoy doing it manually. But still, it hadn’t occurred to me to do this before. (via @tomstuart)

  20. Extract Images and HTML from the Safari cache folder

    Can expand old Mac IE WAFF web page archive files, among other things. (via @mildlydiverting)

  21. Blair Neal | How to make an installation stay up 4evr (Mac OS X version)

    Not sure I’ll need this, but nice write-up of how to set up a Mac to keep showing one thing in a gallery or similar. (via Antimega)

  22. Arq: Online Backup for Mac to Amazon AWS Glacier and S3 | Haystack Software

    Mac app for backing up to S3 or Glacier. Interesting, compared to Backblaze, Mozy, etc.

  23. A rundown of Handbrake settings (0.9.6) -

    Handy stuff because none of these settings make any sense to me and I just want to make video files that look fine and don’t take up GB.

  24. Turnover

    The third manual tool for tapping out BPM data with iTunes I’ve used over the years, and by far the best.

  25. Apple’s design problems aren’t skeuomorphic « counternotions

    A really good look at the more fundamental problems with iOS and OS X, how that compares with the old days when the Human Interface Guidelines were the law, and whether one person, Ive, can really keep on top of such a wide range of potential problems. (via Daring Fireball)

  26. Skala Preview, a Mac app by Bjango

    Quite magic Mac and iOS app for previewing graphics on iOS devices. Live updates as you change things in Photoshop.

  27. Noisy Typer – a typewriter for your laptop. | F.A.T.

    Enjoying using this a bit too much. The audio feedback is surprisingly nice. Not sure how much longer the novelty will last, and it wouldn’t be too good in the office… (via Haddock)

  28. Satellite Eyes

    Tom Taylor made a really lovely thing. If you use a Mac you should try it.

  29. Oids.X

    Typical. There was, in 2003, a version of ‘Oids’ for Mac. I only realise this after Macs stopped running Power PC apps.

  30. Xdissent/ievms - GitHub

    “Automated installation of the Microsoft IE App Compat virtual machines.” So you can test web stuff in IE on your Mac. (via Tom Taylor)

  31. Reeder for Mac (made@gloria!)

    This is the first feed-reading app I’ve ever got on with. Now Helvetireader is ceasing development this has won me over. It’s as lovely as the iPad version.

  32. PHP mcrypt in Snow Leopard with Homebrew

    I’m increasingly finding descriptions of how to do this kind of vaguely impenetrable techy thing which Just Work. Lovely.

  33. Avatron Software: Air Display

    Six quid for this, but I had to give it a go (two screens aren’t enough!). Feels like magic: a wireless screen! But updating (eg, dragging windows) is pretty jerky and it can use 10-25% of my MacBook’s CPU when I’m dragging stuff on it, 15% if something is updating frequently (like Activity Monitor). Around 2% when idle. But could be very handy for some things.

  34. Tower - The most powerful Git client for Mac

    “The most powerful Git client for Mac.” Looks good I think. Might be less scary for doing some out-of-the-ordinary things. (via Lee)

  35. The OS X Spatial Stack :: Drive-by Digressions

    Looks very handy, if my OS X system wasn’t already a complete mess of historic and forgotten installs of various things.

  36. Evom - Convert and Download Videos to iTunes

    “Download internet videos (YouTube and more) to iTunes and iPod.” Handy. (via Ben Hammersley and more)

  37. Formulatepro - Project Hosting on Google Code

    Need to add an image to a PDF, which Preview doesn’t do, and you don’t have Adobe Acrobat? This does the job nicely, for free.

  38. BeaTunes ~ build better playlists

    Interesting metadata editor/finder for music in your iTunes library. Can also do some kind of Genius-like playlist creation.

  39. Issues with how Apple Aperture 3 writes metadata

    What a mess. Although some of these issues might have been fixed in the just-released 10.6.4 OS X update which “addresses IPTC metadata compatibility issues” in Aperture 3…?

  40. Apple - Support - Discussions - missing faces/places after event import …

    Differences between Aperture’s importing from iPhoto Library and from its iPhoto Browser.

  41. iPhoto Export - The Possibilities (Google Translate)

    iPhoto to Aperture to Lightroom seems like the most promising way to move to Lightroom and keep your metadata. Can’t believe it’s this hard.

  42. Burn - Home

    Really nice and easy Mac app for burning files to different kinds of disc. Also, free. (via Infovore)

  43. ImageOptim – a PNG/JPEG/GIF optimizer for Mac OS X

    Good. To get my PNGs to be the same colour as CSS backgrounds in FF/IE I had to use the PNGCrush optimiser to remove gAMA, sRGB, ICCP and cHRM. Now you know.

  44. Cdto - Project Hosting on Google Code

    “Fast mini application that opens a window cd’d to the front most finder window.” Lovely. (via Infovore)

  45. PhoneView for iPhone - iPhone Disk Mode, SMS, Voicemail, Call History, Music, Photos, Notes Access - Ecamm Network

    Among other things, lets you export all of your iPhone SMSes. $20 saved me spending more time messing around with binary plist files, sqlite, etc.

  46. Burn a playable DVD from a VIDEO_TS folder - Mac OS X Hints

    Just works. I tried a couple of free GUI things, neither of which worked. This command line thing did.

  47. iClarified - Mac OS X - How to Setup Facebook Chat Within iChat

    I didn’t know you could do this. A bit odd having my “Facebook friends” (rather than my usual, “online” friends) there all the time. Plus they think I’m using Facebook *all day*.

  48. Hidden - Apple Mac theft recovery for just $20

    Annoyingly lower-cased, but sounds good, and cheap. (via Preoccupations)

  49. Install Movable Type on a Mac - Adventures in Movable Type

    This is always more pain than it should be. A handy guide.

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