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Links tagged with “mac”

  1. How I rip DVDs and Blu-Rays into my Mac (2022 Edition) | Jeff Geerling

    Starting to wonder if I should buy discs if I want to watch movies at home, so…

  2. Zed - Code at the speed of thought

    A new text editor. Looks interesting. (via Guy Moorhouse’s newsletter)

  3. Peakto, the game-changing photo organizer software for Mac

    Explore your photos from different apps/services in one place. Unsure if this is a “now you have two problems” thing, but it sounds clever.

  4. Avalanche, the best photo conversion software for Mac

    Transfer photo libraries between Lightroom, Luminar, Capture One and Apple Photos.

  5. Historical timeline maker | Timeline creator for students | Aeon Timeline

    Paid app for Mac, Windows or iOS. Haven’t tried it but looks interesting. (via Ask a MetaFilter)

  6. Obsidian

    I’ve been finding Simplenote a bit too simple recently, and this notes app looks very interesting. (via Technovia)

  7. Infinite Mac

    A working System 7 Mac (and too) in my browser. With games. Amazing. (via @benbrown)

  8. alberti42/Volume-Control: Successor of iTunes Volume Control

    Control or Spotify volume (and not the system volume) with your Mac’s keyboard’s volume controls.

  9. Doppler Music Player for Mac and iOS

    I’m always on the verge of trying an alternative to Apple’s and this looks good. Maybe…

  10. Catalog all your data on Disks, DVDs, and CDs with NeoFinder!

    Looks pretty impressive, for organising music, video, photos (Exif, IPTC, XMP data, and a map). For Mac, plus iOS apps for searching your database. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  11. RhetTbull/osxphotos

    “Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata.” (via Colin Devroe)

  12. Marc’s Place - SetEXIFData

    Mac app front end to exiftool, for setting Exif data on photos and videos, including using a map to set their location. A bit harder to see existing Exif data nicely. (via Colin Devroe)

  13. My current photo library management solution – Colin Devroe

    Using the Mac Photos app for viewing only, and keeping the originals in dated folders.

  14. FSNotes App – Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS

    Another nice looking, open source, notes app with lots of features, including cloud syncing, links between notes, git versioning, inline images, encryption. (via FaveJet)

  15. Sweet Home 3D - Draw floor plans and arrange furniture freely

    Despite the cutesy name, this looks like a really good open source floorplanning software. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  16. Standard Notes | A Simple And Private Notes App

    Looks great. Free simple version, pay-for with lots of powerful extensions. (via @mala)

  17. cormiertyshawn895/Retroactive: Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. Xcode 11.7 on macOS Mojave. Final Cut Pro 7, Logic Pro 9, and iWork ’09 on macOS Mojave or macOS High Sierra.

    “Run Aperture, iPhoto, and iTunes on macOS Big Sur and macOS Catalina. Xcode 11.7 on macOS Mojave. Final Cut Pro 7, Logic Pro 9, and iWork ’09 on macOS Mojave or macOS High Sierra.”

  18. Moving to zsh – Scripting OS X

    This was helpful. Yes, I’ve just upgraded to Catalina. Hello 2019.

  19. LEM Swap UK | Low End Mac

    Maybe this is a good place to find a home for some of those old OS/application CDs I still have… (via Ask MetaFilter)

  20. dotfiles/ at master · lazerwalker/dotfiles

    Impressed by this kind of thing but I don’t think I set up a new Mac often enough to do this. (via FaveJet)

  21. Graphing Calculator Story

    I don’t think I knew this before, and it’s much better than I expected “How the Mac’s graphing calculator was made” to be.

  22. Cathode | Secret Geometry

    “Cathode is a fully customizable terminal app with a look inspired by classic computers.” Looks both absurd and brilliant.

  23. Retrobatch, from Flying Meat

    Really nice batch image processing tool for Mac. I love the visual workflows.

  24. HyperCard On The Archive (Celebrating 30 Years of HyperCard) | Internet Archive Blogs

    Like magic. If only I’d Stuffit’d my HyperCard stacks… the only two I have may have lost their resource forks over the past 25 years.

  25. Sharing some process from IF – Writing by IF – Medium

    A handy list of things to do to secure your Mac, iPhone, email, etc. (via Favejet)

  26. Rocket—Slack-style emoji everywhere on your Mac

    Makes it easy to type emojis. I’m surprised typing emojis on OS X is such a pain. (via @benhammersley)

  27. MacDown: The open source Markdown editor for OS X.

    “The open source Markdown editor for OS X.” Seems nice. (via Infovore)

  28. eject_all_disks

    AppleScript to eject all ejectable disks with one click. (via @craigmod)

  29. Play Button iTunes Patch | The Bit Guru

    This was incredibly useful - stop iTunes opening whenever you press Play on the Apple remote. Why would it do that?! Except this patch no longer works on El Capitan.

  30. Deckset for Mac: Turn your notes into beautiful presentations

    Presentation app that uses Markdown files. Aside from the current inability to create or edit the themes, it seems really nicely done. And currently 75% off. (via @rooreynolds)

  31. Discovering Sketch — .Sketch App — Medium

    Lots of people I know use Sketch but I’d never looked at it. Reading this I can see why people prefer it over Photoshop for many kinds of design. (via Daring Fireball)

  32. HTTrack Website Copier - Free Software Offline Browser (GNU GPL)

    I keep forgetting the name of this whenever I want it. For downloading all the pages of a website and making a browsable version of it. Versions for Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.

  33. Bartender | Mac Menu Bar Item Control

    I didn’t expect this to make much difference, but within minutes of tidying up that mess of pointless, ugly icons I already feel more relaxed. (via Useful Mac)

  34. Useful Mac

    Really enjoying this blog, because it reminds me of the olden days of trying out lots of useful, or less useful, Mac utilities from magazine cover discs.

  35. dotfiles/.osx at master · mathiasbynens/dotfiles

    An example script for setting loads of OS X system and application preferences. Although I so rarely set up a new computer, I quite enjoy doing it manually. But still, it hadn’t occurred to me to do this before. (via @tomstuart)

  36. Extract Images and HTML from the Safari cache folder

    Can expand old Mac IE WAFF web page archive files, among other things. (via @mildlydiverting)

  37. Blair Neal | How to make an installation stay up 4evr (Mac OS X version)

    Not sure I’ll need this, but nice write-up of how to set up a Mac to keep showing one thing in a gallery or similar. (via Antimega)

  38. Arq: Online Backup for Mac to Amazon AWS Glacier and S3 | Haystack Software

    Mac app for backing up to S3 or Glacier. Interesting, compared to Backblaze, Mozy, etc.

  39. How to upgrade tracks to iTunes Match, fast | Macworld

    Handy description of how to work out which of your iTunes Matched tracks can be downloaded at higher quality from the moon. I mean cloud.

  40. Mini vMac - early Macintosh emulator

    Haven’t tried it, but looks good/handy/fun. (via One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age)

  41. A rundown of Handbrake settings (0.9.6) -

    Handy stuff because none of these settings make any sense to me and I just want to make video files that look fine and don’t take up GB.

  42. Turnover

    The third manual tool for tapping out BPM data with iTunes I’ve used over the years, and by far the best.

  43. Noisy Typer – a typewriter for your laptop. | F.A.T.

    Enjoying using this a bit too much. The audio feedback is surprisingly nice. Not sure how much longer the novelty will last, and it wouldn’t be too good in the office… (via Haddock)

  44. Building and dismantling the Windows advantage | asymco

    Blimey, those are quite some graphs, showing ratio of Windows:Mac, and Windows:Apple sales over time. (via Daring Fireball)

  45. Satellite Eyes

    Tom Taylor made a really lovely thing. If you use a Mac you should try it.

  46. Oids.X

    Typical. There was, in 2003, a version of ‘Oids’ for Mac. I only realise this after Macs stopped running Power PC apps.

  47. iCal Cleaner

    Deletes duplicate events, and more, from iCal calendars. Just what I needed after a big iCloud confusion. And it’s free.

  48. Cadence App | Your Music. Your Motion. | Cadence BPM Tapper

    Blacktree’s old iTunes-BPM doesn’t work on Lion, but this free app is a decent replacement. Tap in time to a song, click a button to update the tune’s BPM setting in iTunes.

  49. Reeder for Mac (made@gloria!)

    This is the first feed-reading app I’ve ever got on with. Now Helvetireader is ceasing development this has won me over. It’s as lovely as the iPad version.

  50. PHP mcrypt in Snow Leopard with Homebrew

    I’m increasingly finding descriptions of how to do this kind of vaguely impenetrable techy thing which Just Work. Lovely.

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