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Links tagged with “jonhicks”

  1. Moo Card Player -

    Using NFC tags stuck to Moo cards, triggering iOS Shortcuts, to play albums. Very nice.

  2. Billings 3 / journal / hicksdesign

    Review of a Mac-based invoicing/time-keeping thing. (via Daring Fireball)

  3. Expression Engine vs Textpattern / journal / hicksdesign

    Thoughtful comparison of both CMSs. (via Daring Fireball)

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
