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Links tagged with “javascript”

  1. How to Safely Pass Data to JavaScript in a Django Template - Adam Johnson

    I keep having to google for this handy guide when I want to link to it for someone.

  2. Mastering DOM manipulation with vanilla JavaScript — Phuoc Nguyen

    Great collection of explained examples of how to do common things with JS. (via Michael Tsai)

  3. PhotoSwipe: Responsive JavaScript Image Gallery

    Nice image lightbox thing, for future reference. (via Go Make Things)

  4. How to scale a JavaScript project over time (part 1) | Go Make Things

    A nice short series showing how he gradually structures vanilla JavaScript files.

  5. Timeline

    Timeline.js. “Easy-to-make, beautiful timelines” on the web using a Google Spreadsheet or JSON as a source. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  6. How to get started with web development | Go Make Things

    I’d have no idea what to suggest to someone wanting to learn this stuff, but this looks like a great list for front-end development.

  7. HTML DOM - Common tasks of managing HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript

    After so many years of needing jQuery for things, it’s taking a while for vanilla methods to stick in my brain. (via @simonw)

  8. Inclusive Components

    “Each post explores a common interface component and comes up with a better, more robust and accessible version of it.” (via @simonw)

  9. All – Tiny Helpers

    Loads of websites that each do one useful thing for web designers and developers. (via Waxy)

  10. The Vanilla JS Toolkit

    A nice collection of JavaScript methods, plugins, etc that don’t require any extra frameworks or libraries.

  11. Build your own React

    I’ve only read a bit of this but aside from what seems like an interesting article, it’s a lovely example of going step-by-step through writing some code. (via @RandomEtc)

  12. JavaScript Systems Music

    “Learning Web Audio by Recreating The Works of Steve Reich and Brian Eno.” Step-by-step examples, really nicely explained.

  13. Building an extensible app or library with vanilla JS | Go Make Things

    I like this, although I’d like a “Step 2” with some more complex examples. (via Adactio)

  14. Siema - Lightweight and simple carousel with no dependencies

    One would never put a carousel on a website but if one did one would use this. It also links to a couple more complex ones. No dependencies.

  15. D3.js Charts: Towards Updatable Code | Toptal

    A useful variant on the D3.js modular pattern, allowing you to pass updated data (or other things) into an already-rendered chart.

  16. Learn ES2015 · Babel

    “A detailed overview of ECMAScript 2015 features.” (via FaveJet)

  17. performance notes

    A good write-up of making the fast, simple site even faster.

  18. 10 things I learned making the fastest site in the world

    Lots of handy, funny, tips. (via someone, a while back)

  19. webpack-howto

    I suppose I should be at least familiar with this season’s front-end build tool.

  20. Sheetsee.js

    “A client-side library for connecting Google Spreadsheets to a website and visualizing the information in tables, maps and charts.” Obviously requires JavaScript, but looks like a nice way to create easily-editable data, charts, maps.

  21. Generating fantasy maps

    A nice post on how the imaginary maps for @unchartedatlas are generated using JavaScript.

  22. Boiling React Down to a Few Lines in jQuery - Hackflow

    An explanation of React that my fuzzy head can’t cope with right now. So, for later. (via @simonw)

  23. Vega-Lite

    An abstraction of an abstraction of d3.js - make D3 charts using only a JSON file. (via FlowingData)

  24. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns

    I’m finding this (free, online) book very useful; exactly the kind of thing I struggle with how to do better.

  25. Feature.js

    Simple, lightweight alternative to Modernizr. (via Adactio)

  26. Ghostweather R&D Blog: Teaching a Semester of D3.js

    On teaching D3.js to journalism students with no JavaScript experience. I can barely imagine.

  27. Getting Started | d3.compose

    A way to generate d3-powered charts more easily, or another confusing abstraction layer? I don’t know because I haven’t actually tried it. (via @eliothill)

  28. The best jQuery validation plugin to validate form fields, support Bootstrap, Foundation, Pure, SemanticUI, UIKit frameworks

    Despite the annoying information-light front page, this seems really good compared to other JS form validators I’ve used, and worth the money.

  29. Smooth Zoom Pan - jQuery Image Viewer - JavaScript | CodeCanyon

    This turned out to be well worth the $11, given the hassles configuring free ones I’ve tried.

  30. Luster - Mobile Web App Checklist

    Loads of good tips for making websites feel more native on touch-based devices.

  31. jQuery PowerTip

    Because I used this jQuery tooltip plugin and liked it and will forget what it was called.

  32. Chrome’s Console API: Greatest Hits

    Lots of things I didn’t know you could do in the Google Chrome console. (via Brett Terpstra)

  33. edds/browser-matrix

    A really useful way of viewing your Google Analytics’ browser data, to work out what your site should be supporting. I like how it groups versions of browsers. Nicely done.

  34. Marionette.js – The Backbone Framework

    “Marionette simplifies your Backbone application code with robust views and architecture solutions.” Sounds good… (via Code as Craft)

  35. Gemnasium

    “Parses your project’s dependencies and notifies you when new versions are released or they need to be updated.” For python, ruby, node, php, etc. (via @dracos)

  36. Home - Annotator - Annotating the Web

    “An open-source JavaScript library to easily add annotation functionality to any webpage.” Used on

  37. The problem with Angular - QuirksBlog

    Summary: it’s like a front-end framework by back-end developers; “Enterprise IT” and Java devs love it; people learn to only develop front-end stuff in an Angular way; it’s inefficient; it’s not suitable for modern, production-level front-end code.

  38. bigfoot.js

    jQuery plugin for making footnotes in text nice. I guess this is the thing I see in a few places that I keep meaning to find out what it is.

  39. Eloquent JavaScript

    I thought I’d bookmarked this a while ago, but it looks like I didn’t. On first glance seems like a good introduction to JavaScript. (via Tom Taylor)

  40. Garlic.js

    “Garlic.js allows you to automatically persist your forms’ text field values locally, until the form is submitted.”

  41. Sisyphus - Gmail-like client-side drafts and bit more

    “Persist your form’s data in a browser’s Local Storage and never loose[sic] them on occasional tabs closing, browser crashes and other disasters!” Handy.

  42. How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document’s keystrokes « James Somers (

    I love this lengthy description of how he worked out how to do this. All the dead ends and stupid ideas and experiments. (via @Preoccupations)

  43. Parsley - The ultimate JavaScript form validation library

    Nice-looking thing that I expect will be handy at some point soon, the name of which I will forget.

  44. Alice Bartlett: Burn your select tags - EpicFEL 2014 - YouTube

    Good talk from Alice about user research resulting in GDS avoiding HTML select tags and creating alternatives.

  45. Epoch by Fastly

    Looks like a simple-to-use charting library, based on d3.js, with real-time charts.

  46. Isso – a commenting server similar to Disqus

    Open source, self-hosted commenting system. Lovely idea, although my heart sank at the thought of installing a python web application. I can’t help thinking PHP would be more useful for people making otherwise-static web sites. (via Brett Terpstra)

  47. Variance

    Nice web charting/visualization thing, using a markup-based system for data, with appearance editable using CSS. Somewhere between Raphael/d3 and simple charting libraries. Costs money for commercial use. (via Tom Taylor)

  48. JavaScript Testing Recipes

    Sounds very good. Adding to the list of books I really should read.

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