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Links tagged with “html”

  1. Fujinon Binoculars

    View Source. Scroll down. The HTML is something else. (via Haddock)

  2. The 1KB CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach

    As simple as a grid-based CSS framework thing could be. (via Infovore)

  3. Styling buttons to look like links | Natalie Downe

    For the very few occasions when you want to make a submit button look like a standard link. Not that you should. (via Simon Willison)

  4. Bits & Pixels – Blog Archive – Cross-browser transparent columns

    How to make the background of a block semi-transparent but have the content opaque. Bit of a palaver, but it works.

  5. Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | A css only dropdown menu

    Sounds good but haven’t explored it thoroughly.

  6. When can I use…

    “Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.” A lot of waiting involved. (via Dotcode)

  7. Recreating the button | stopdesign

    Doug Bowman on how buttons were developed on Google apps. Good HTML/CSS cleverness. (via Simon Willison)

  8. Why HTML

    More recent arguments for why to use HTML rather than XHTML. (via Simon Willison)

  9. A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards

    Lovely CSS bar charts and sparklines created in HTML and CSS.

  10. Dompdf - The PHP 5 HTML to PDF Converter

    Uses CSS rules to style the PDF output I think (can’t get the demo to work…).

  11. DebugBar - IE extension for web developer : DOM inspector, Javascript debugger, HTTP headers viewer, Cookies viewer

    Looks handy for those times one has to painfully test things in Internet Explorer. (via Simon Willison)

  12. Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //

    File input fields are stubbornly resistant to beautifying. A new way to make them pretty. (via Daring Fireball)

  13. Blueprintcss - Google Code

    In-progress CSS framework for constructing grid-based web page layouts. (via Daring Fireball)

  14. Infovore » The CSS Redundancy Checker

    Checks your CSS file for all the selectors that aren’t used in the list of HTML files or URLs you feed it. Clever Tom.

  15. Introducing templatemaker |

    Python thing. Point it at some HTML files and it will make a template with holes for the unique strings in the pages. (via Daring Fireball)

  16. Sending XHTML as text/html Considered Harmful

    Apparently definitive version of why mindlessly doing sites as XHTML is wrong. (via Dotcode)

  17. Jeffrey Zeldman Presents : E-mail is not a platform for design

    On why non-HTML email is still the way to go. Would be good to have some more facts and figures for ammunition when needed… (via Daring Fireball)

  18. Particletree » Rediscovering the Button Element

    Very handy alternative to Submit buttons, and I feel I should have already known this, but it appears to have problems in IE. Like most things. (via Kottke)

  19. MTV Labs: The New HTML has ditched its Flash site for an HTML version after user feedback. (via Blackbeltjones over Twitter)

  20. Usable Cross Browser Font Sizing » Middleware Infrastructure

    Magic percentages for getting the same font size on different platforms.

  21. Surfin’ Safari - Blog Archive » Understanding HTML, XML and XHTML

    Why you (and I) should probably be using HTML 4 rather than XHTML. Oops. (via Daring Fireball)

  22. SIMILE | Timeline | Documentation

    DHTML thing for creating nice scrollable timelines. (via Yoz)

  23. Web Development with… Safari : journal : hicksdesign Ο°

    If you download a WebKit nightly build there’s a handy inspector for debugging CSS problems in Safari.

  24. Vitamin Features » HTML Emails - Taming the Beast

    For future reference. Although I really hope I never ever need it (via Plasticbag).

  25. Aplus :: z-pos

    Detailed exploration of an Internet Explorer CSS z-index bug. It saved my sanity last week.

  26. ColorMatch 5K :: the original

    complicated colour scheme generator (crashed my browser once though)

  27. Color Blender

    Eric Meyer’s nifty colour blender

  28. Overview : Xyle scope : Cultured Code

    Rather smart HTML- and CSS-examining application for the Mac. Looks complicated, but I imagine it could be invaluable over time.

  29. The Man in Blue > footerStickAlt: A more robust method of positioning a footer

    An even newer way of getting a footer to stick to the bottom of the viewport or the content.

  30. Slashdot | DHTML Utopia

    Review of a book on “Modern web design using JavaScript and DOM”. Ajax and stuff. Sounds good.

  31. Super simple clearing floats - Anne’s Weblog about Markup & Style

    A remarkably non-hacky way to get containing divs to expand to the full depth of their floated descendants (ie, goodbye “clear:both” elements?). (via Tim)

  32. Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours

    More Ajaxy stuff to investigate when time allows.

  33. As simple as possible, but no simpler: Mapping Google

    Roughly how the client-side of Google Maps works.

  34. S5: A Simple Standards-Based Slide Show System

    Spent ages trying to find this a while back when I couldn’t remember the name. Now I have you.

  35. The perils of using XHTML properly | 456 Berea Street

    Things to watch out for when doing stuff in XHTML.

  36. Mezzoblue - DHTML ‘05

    Benefits and drawbacks of’s impressive DHTML map of Switzerland which uses XMLHttpRequest a la Google Suggest.

  37. Boing Boing: Full-back HTML tattoo

    If you were going to go to all that trouble why not use CSS rather than duff ‘align’ tags? Not man enough to take the extra characters?

  38. Mike Davidson: Introducing sIFR: The Healthy Alternative to Browser Text

    Replacing HTML text with Flash-rendered text just to make it look prettier seems like precious designer overkill to me. But it’s very clever and it does work.

  39. Creating accessible forms

    Clear, simple, everything you need to know.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
