Links tagged with “horacedediu”
The Entrant’s Guide to The Automobile Industry | Asymco
Fascinating to realise quite how different the (mainly) US car industry is to so many other more dynamic, less consolidated ones. (via Daring Fireball)
[Updated] The rise and fall of personal computing | asymco
Just spent a while trying to find these graphs, having seen them once before. So now they’re here. Really interesting, market share of computing platforms since 1975.
Building and dismantling the Windows advantage | asymco
Blimey, those are quite some graphs, showing ratio of Windows:Mac, and Windows:Apple sales over time. (via Daring Fireball)
Who killed the Intel microprocessor? | asymco
I never knew about the difference between Intel (who design, manufacture and sell microprocessors) and ARM (who license microprocessors which designers use as part of a chip which is then manufactured by a fabricator).