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Links tagged with “gds”

  1. A GDS Story | Government Digital Service

    Really nice as a chronicle of an evolving service’s history. It’s so easy to lose this stuff. Especially great that it has lots of old screenshots, sketches, photos etc. It’d be good if more organisations and companies found time to do this kind of thing. (via @gilest)

  2. From Persuasion to Usability - Design Meets the Internet (Noisy Decent Graphics)

    Good talk (in video or text) by Ben Terrett about how design works at GOV.UK. “Design has fallen into the marketing trap of persuasion and it needs to get back to being about usability.”

  3. The Beginning of the End of Big Government IT | MetaFilter

    Good discussion of this stuff, with calm defences by danhon and migurski in the face of (understandable) cynicism that sees the private sector as either big, dumb corporates or small, dumb Silicon Valley techbros. (via @neb)

  4. No more accordions: how to choose a form structure | User research

    I didn’t link to this when I read it, but it’s stuck with me. It describes changes to GOV.UK’s recommended form structure guidelines, based on user testing.

  5. Alice Bartlett: Burn your select tags - EpicFEL 2014 - YouTube

    Good talk from Alice about user research resulting in GDS avoiding HTML select tags and creating alternatives.

  6. Responsive grid system which works in IE6 | Technology at GDS

    Using SCSS. And not an ugly hack. Having been thinking about grids/page structure at work recently, and needing to support old browsers, this is handy. (via @benterrett)

  7. alphagov/prototyping

    GDS’s Jekyll-based prototypes for services.

  8. GOV.UK elements

    HTML/CSS elements and how to use them on GOV.UK. Really useful, even if you’re doing differently, as a checklist of stuff to consider. (via @jamesweiner)

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (834)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
