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Links tagged with “design”

  1. Product design & UX design resources – Degreeless.Design

    Assuming these are good resources, I love things like this. Suggested sites and books to learn about design, starting with the basics. (via Web Curios)

  2. The Radical Design of PizzaExpress - Vittles

    Digby Warde-Aldam on the chain’s design history. The Berkeley Avenue, Bristol branch was my first Pizza Express, sometime in the early 1990s.

  3. Sweet Home 3D - Draw floor plans and arrange furniture freely

    Despite the cutesy name, this looks like a really good open source floorplanning software. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  4. Graphic Design History Resources - We Made This

    Links to loads of sites that contain loads of lovely graphic design images, put together by Alistair Hall. (via Web Curios)


    I like this idea, curating a topic-specific collection of material from the Internet Archive.

  6. Collection | Instant Lettering Database

    Scans of Letraset sheets. Much nostalgia. (via Things Magazine)

  7. Welcome to Your Bland New World of Consumer Capitalism - Bloomberg

    Lots of great examples of similar copywriting, brand statements, company visions, etc that all want to be unique.

  8. How to pick more beautiful colors for your data visualizations | Chartable

    I’m not very good at colours and this is nicely explained.

  9. Coronagrifting: A Design Phenomenon | McMansion Hell

    On Dezeen, Designboom, etc. showing endless “designs” that are nothing more than a publicity-hungry Photoshop job. If only this was only a problem during Coronavirus. (via Pluralistic)

  10. Will the Millennial Aesthetic Ever End?

    “If you simultaneously can’t afford any frills and can’t afford any failure, you end up with millennial design: crowd-pleasing, risk-averse, calling just enough attention to itself to make it clear that you tried.” (via FaveJet)

  11. Vaughan Oliver’s Invitation to Decode

    ‘I’ve got clients who ask, “How can we have that now?” I say, “We don’t have that now. It builds with time; it also builds with the quality of the product.”’

  12. Warren Ellis Production Ident Roger Strunk

    Nice write-up of designing a three second TV ident for Warren Ellis.

  13. How do you set limits on client feedback? - Work clients design | Ask MetaFilter

    I don’t think I’m ever in this situation but there’s useful stuff in these answers.

  14. How we make a game called Hidden Folks - Album on Imgur

    Really nice description of how parts of this game are put together, from graphics to translations. (via Kottke)

  15. prosthetic knowledge

    This tumblr of design/art/tech right now is very, very good. (via @iamdanw I think)

  16. Algorithm-Driven Design — How AI is Changing Design by Yury Vetrov

    Really good list of examples of… what it says. (Aside from annoying hijacking of cursor keys, but anyway.) And a nice mention of Guardian Headliner too. (via Noisy Decent Graphics)

  17. Bildnerische Formlehre - Bildnerische Gestaltungslehre - Paul Klee - Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern

    3900 pages of Paul Klee’s notebooks on sculptural form and design theory, scanned and transcribed.

  18. Logobook - Discover the worlds finest logos, symbols and trademarks

    All the logos, in black and white. Very nice. (via Kottke)

  19. Jonathan Ive and the Future of Apple - The New Yorker

    Long profile and interview with Ive from around the launch of the Apple Watch.

  20. Portfolios – Mark Hurrell | Lecture In Progress

    Sounds like good advice on creating a good design portfolio.

  21. A Sense of Where You Are — Elegant Tools — Medium

    Tom Broxton very good on gathering evidence about how long the designing and building of digital things actually take, so you can convince people your pessimistic-sounding estimates are accurate.

  22. Journal of Design and Science

    New, free, online journal from the MIT Media Lab. Kevin Slavin, Neti Oxman, Joi Ito, Danny Hillis. Seems good, although a little awkward to read on an iPad at the moment. Design and technology, eh?

  23. From Persuasion to Usability - Design Meets the Internet (Noisy Decent Graphics)

    Good talk (in video or text) by Ben Terrett about how design works at GOV.UK. “Design has fallen into the marketing trap of persuasion and it needs to get back to being about usability.”

  24. Discovering Sketch — .Sketch App — Medium

    Lots of people I know use Sketch but I’d never looked at it. Reading this I can see why people prefer it over Photoshop for many kinds of design. (via Daring Fireball)

  25. A New Yorker walks into a San Francisco start up… — Medium

    A rant about how “Design can change the world” is nonsense. I think it *can* change the world, but that *very* much doesn’t mean any and all design can change the world. Is your design empowering people who have little power? Enabling people who are less able?

  26. No Dickheads! A Guide To Building Happy, Healthy, And Creative Teams. — Medium

    So good. Sounds like such a great place to work and do good work.

  27. How we manage design work in Pivotal Tracker - Pivotal Tracker

    How Pivotal Labs use Pivotal Tracker to manage design work, as opposed to development work, in an agile process (much of it isn’t specific to Pivotal Tracker). (via @antimega)

  28. A Year of Reflection — Today’s Office — Medium

    Jan Chipchase on design studios, taking risks, his year of “creat[ing] the minimum viable process and infrastructure to be able to take on challenging projects that can have significant impact, and do good work.” (via @cityofsound)

  29. It’s never been more important for design firms to think differently — Medium

    On large buying up design firms, and the worth of independent design firms. I’d like more specific examples of the specialness of some of the example agencies are though. Other than having “a unique perspective”. (via @moleitau)

  30. The Boring Designer

    On why the most boring design is often the best one. Yes. (via @paulpod)

  31. 13 Ways Designers Screw Up Client Presentations — Medium

    Lots of good tips, easily extrapolated to non-designers presenting work to clients too. (via @antimega)

  32. A Watch Guy’s Thoughts On The Apple Watch After Seeing It In The Metal (Tons Of Live Photos) — HODINKEE - Wristwatch News, Reviews, & Original Stories

    Interesting to read about the Apple Watch as a highish-end watch, ignoring the software. It compares well. A good point is raised though - traditional watches will last a long time, but how short will the life of an Apple Watch be? (via @GreatDismal)

  33. Jared Spool’s answer to What is the current market hourly rate (contract) for a great designer who can design (visual/ux/product) and develop award-winning user interfaces? - Quora

    “…you’re looking for someone who is such an outlier in the industry that you’ll pay whatever rate they demand.” (via Stellar)

  34. Game of Thrones - The New Yorker

    About the design of aeroplane seats. Interesting. The firm it focuses on is on Worship Street on the Shoreditch/City borders.

  35. Adactio: Journal—URLy warning

    Jeremy Keith is, as usual, right. Chrome removing the URL bar makes me much sadder, and a bit angrier, than any UI tweaking should.

  36. Layout in Flipboard for Web and Windows

    Fascinating look at how Flipboard automatically match content to one of thousands of possible page layouts (some created by designers, some more algorithmic). (via @revdancatt)

  37. Washing Machine for Men

    A good response to that overly simplistic redesign of a washing machine UI. I like the emphasis on reliability over whizzy electronic UIs, which I often think about, say, fancy modern car dashboards too. (via Paul Mison)


    Interesting-looking information design agency, based in Milan and New York. (via The Functional Art)

  39. Undergrad, Cooper, KABK — One Student’s Route to Learning Type Design

    One person’s experience of three typography courses, from a part-time, one term course to a full-time, one year course, Australia, NY and the Hague.

  40. A Typographic Survey of the City of London: Part One

    Part One of a revised, longer, edition of a film about the City’s typography which was around a few years back but was taken offline. Other part(s) to come, apparently.

  41. Butterick’s Practical Typography

    Free online guide, which seems quite good, but… all that attention to detail and he makes it almost impossible to tell what’s a link. Bloody Designer designers. (via Daring Fireball)

  42. How to learn how to dance in a year

    I’m fascinated by people switching careers and/or learning new skills. Because so many people think it’s too late, when it rarely is if you’re persistent.

  43. TypeMedia TypeCooker: Generator

    “A tool for generating type-drawing exercises. The system creates a random list of requirements for a typeface, but with relevant criteria.”

  44. Sketching Out of My Comfort Zone: A Type Design Experiment | Typographica

    A nice post about doing a sketch of a new typeface every day.

  45. Jessica Hische on typography

    Really nice, lengthy article on how to choose typefaces, particularly for websites. (via Waxy)

  46. wandering wandering star • DISAPPEAR US ALGORITHMS, AESTHETICS, AND THE…

    Interview about designing effective camouflage. Really interesting. (via Fresser)

  47. How We Built “Music Looks Awesome” & How You Can Join In - This Is My Jam

    Brilliant stuff - automatically making big, interesting, background images from a smaller album/video image.

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