Links tagged with “css”
Styling buttons to look like links | Natalie Downe
For the very few occasions when you want to make a submit button look like a standard link. Not that you should. (via Simon Willison)
Minify - Google Code
“Minify is a PHP5 app that can combine multiple CSS or Javascript files, compress their contents, and serve the results with HTTP encoding and headers that allow optimal client-side caching.” (via Dotcode)
Bits & Pixels – Blog Archive – Cross-browser transparent columns
How to make the background of a block semi-transparent but have the content opaque. Bit of a palaver, but it works.
Stu Nicholls | CSSplay | A css only dropdown menu
Sounds good but haven’t explored it thoroughly.
When can I use…
“Compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.” A lot of waiting involved. (via Dotcode)
Font Matrix
Nice grid of what fonts are available in different OSes with different installs of software.
Unit Interactive :: Blog :: Better CSS Font Stacks
Sensible examples of lists of fonts to use in CSS.
Facing up to Fonts | Slides and notes
Interesting presentation on which fonts are available to use on the web, and how best to specify combinations of them. (via Blech)
Recreating the button | stopdesign
Doug Bowman on how buttons were developed on Google apps. Good HTML/CSS cleverness. (via Simon Willison)
The Grid System
Nice resource on designing web sites using a grid. All we need now is a resource on designing web sites with DECENT LINK STYLES.
Battle of the CSS Frameworks | Capsize Designs
Handy summary of several CSS frameworks, pros and cons. (via Infovore)
- Conditional classnames
An easy way to apply Internet Explorer CSS hacks. So simple that, in retrospect, it’s hard to believe no one’s thought of it before. Smashing.
New clearing method needed for IE7? | 456 Berea Street
So I don’t need to Google the clearfix fix again.
A List Apart: Articles: Accessible Data Visualization with Web Standards
Lovely CSS bar charts and sparklines created in HTML and CSS.
Equidistant Objects with CSS - CSS-Tricks
Spacing things out horizontally with CSS. (via Simon Willison)
Eric’s Archived Thoughts: Reset Reloaded
I keep Googling this, so bookmarking it might be easier.
Dompdf - The PHP 5 HTML to PDF Converter
Uses CSS rules to style the PDF output I think (can’t get the demo to work…).
Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM //
File input fields are stubbornly resistant to beautifying. A new way to make them pretty. (via Daring Fireball)
Blueprintcss - Google Code
In-progress CSS framework for constructing grid-based web page layouts. (via Daring Fireball)
Infovore » The CSS Redundancy Checker
Checks your CSS file for all the selectors that aren’t used in the list of HTML files or URLs you feed it. Clever Tom.
Usable Cross Browser Font Sizing » Middleware Infrastructure
Magic percentages for getting the same font size on different platforms.
53 CSS-Techniques You Couldn’t Live Without | Smashing Magazine
Handy to have so many in one place. (via Daring Fireball)
Layout Gala: a collection of 40 CSS layouts based on the same markup and ready for download!
What the title says. Very handy. (via Rodcorp)
Web Development with… Safari : journal : hicksdesign Ο°
If you download a WebKit nightly build there’s a handy inspector for debugging CSS problems in Safari.
Aplus :: z-pos
Detailed exploration of an Internet Explorer CSS z-index bug. It saved my sanity last week.
ColorMatch 5K :: the original
complicated colour scheme generator (crashed my browser once though)
Color Blender
Eric Meyer’s nifty colour blender
Overview : Xyle scope : Cultured Code
Rather smart HTML- and CSS-examining application for the Mac. Looks complicated, but I imagine it could be invaluable over time.
The Man in Blue > footerStickAlt: A more robust method of positioning a footer
An even newer way of getting a footer to stick to the bottom of the viewport or the content.
Super simple clearing floats - Anne’s Weblog about Markup & Style
A remarkably non-hacky way to get containing divs to expand to the full depth of their floated descendants (ie, goodbye “clear:both” elements?). (via Tim)
FooterStick › css › Learn › solarDreamStudios
Make a footer stick to bottom of the viewport where appropriate. (via blech)
Six Apart ProNet Articles - yDSF - Robust CSS Drop Shadows
May give it a whirl sometime. (via Yoz again)
- » archive » Essentials of CSS Hacking For Internet Explorer
Summary of IE CSS hacks. Nice to see them covered clearly in once place.
Behaviour : Using CSS selectors to apply Javascript behaviours
More Ajaxy stuff to investigate when time allows.
[css-d] Font size inheritance
So that when, yet again, I forget how to fix IE5’s inability to inherit font sizes into table cells, I can find the answer.
List-based CSS / JavaScript menus
What it says. Seems to work in most browsers you’d care about, and degrades nicely in others.
Using CSS to highlight a page’s current
(Posted ages ago but the date got mangled while importing to
Piefecta - A superb 3-col tableless layout
For future reference.
Front Page - css-discuss
The wiki for the css-discuss email list, chock full of answers to common questions. Handy.
IE Doubled Float-Margin Bug - CSS fixes and workarounds
Because I keep hitting this bug and keep forgetting how to work around it.
Mike Davidson: Introducing sIFR: The Healthy Alternative to Browser Text
Replacing HTML text with Flash-rendered text just to make it look prettier seems like precious designer overkill to me. But it’s very clever and it does work.
Centricle : css filters (css hacks)
A big colourful pit of nasty CSS hacks.
Johannes Koch’s How to hide CSS from buggy browsers page
The URL that almost every website points to is now broken and this is the new home, which is a bugger to find.
CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death: A List Apart
Although this method of CSS rollovers works better on Mac IE.
Fast Rollovers Without Preload (CSS)
So I don’t lose the link again.
Dracos - IE CSS bugs when using floats and background-color
Another nasty Internet Explorer problem I was having the other day.
Stopdesign | The IE Factor
I wonder how much time has been globally wasted thanks to Internet Explorer’s awful handling of CSS.
Topographic page layout
A bookmarklet that uses background colours rather than borders to make a page’s HTML structure clear.