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Links tagged with “css”

  1. Safari on iOS 7 and HTML5: problems, changes and new APIs | Breaking the Mobile Web

    Very useful look at all the new, improved or broken things in Safari on iOS 7. (via @jamesweiner)

  2. ai/autoprefixer · GitHub

    “Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules by Can I Use.” Very clever and good but, like increasing numbers of things, also makes me go, “oh god, I wish CSS was simpler.”

  3. Bootstrap 2.x to 3.0 Migration Guide

    For moving Twitter Bootstrap sites to the new version. There doesn’t seem to be anything like this in the official 3.0 docs. Yet, at least.

  4. Sneak peek of Macaw - The code-savvy web design tool

    Actually looks quite good. Jump to the end to see the finished page in-browser, and the HTML and CSS. (via @jamesweiner)

  5. CSS Architecture | Appfolio Engineering

    Lots of good thoughts on structuring CSS. (via Tom Taylor)

  6. Geocities as Style and Marketing Gimmick @divshot | One Terabyte of Kilobyte Age

    I’ve had “Geocities WordPress theme” as a “someday” project for ages. Maybe I should cross it off now. Geocities styles for Twitter Bootstrap and Tumblr.

  7. Flat UI Free - PSD&HTML User Interface Kit - Designmodo

    Looks interesting for quickly making things look nice. (via @paulpod)

  8. Ratchet

    “Prototype iPhone apps with simple HTML, CSS and JS components.” Seems really nice. Less extensive than something like jQuery Mobile, but looks nice and simple to get something up and running quickly.

  9. Chrome Web Store - Stylebot

    Lets you adjust the CSS of any website and have your changes stick. *cough*Co-op business banking*cough* (via @bamblesquatch)

  10. Responsive Web Design Frameworks, Grid Systems and Starter Kits

    Good summary of lots HTML/CSS frameworks. (via mildlydiverting)

  11. About HTML semantics and front-end architecture – Nicolas Gallagher

    Really good in-depth thoughts about writing HTML/CSS. Reminds me a bit of that SMACSS style guide (which I can *never* remember the name/acronym for). (via Dotcode)

  12. Modern Web Development

    Pretty comprehensive and good look at the Chrome developer tools. A bunch of things I didn’t know or had simply ignored. (via @simonw)

  13. 24 ways: Rock Solid HTML Emails

    2009, but I assume this is still a good overview of what you should and shouldn’t do when making HTML emails.

  14. A Baseline for Front-End Developers - Adventures in JavaScript Development

    All good stuff. But I must admit, after doing front end dev work (not solely, but a lot) over the past, what, 17 years, these days it’s really, really hard to keep up. (via Dotcode)

  15. Cyberdelia/django-pipeline

    Good-looking thing for compressing and concatenating CSS and JavaScript files with Django. Good documentation, handles LESS, SASS, CoffeeScript etc. Nice.

  16. Twitter Bootstrap Generator

    Enter colour, font options etc and it generates a compiled CSS file to use with the Twitter Bootstrap framework thing. (via Brett Terpstra)

  17. Lettering.js - A jQuery plugin for radical web typography.

    Quite nice - adds spans around individual letters, words or lines so you can easily style them with CSS. But all that extra HTML feels “wrong” to me, even if it’s generated automatically. Some pretty examples though.

  18. Bartaz/impress.js - GitHub

    Very nice browser-based, JavaScript/CSS thing for making presentations, with all slides held in one 2D (or 3D) space. Try the demo… (via Waxy)

  19. Knyle Style Sheets — Warpspire

    Nice idea, a parseable format for commenting CSS. (via Dotcode)

  20. Home - Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS

    Interesting as an in-depth discussion of structuring CSS for a large project, something I’d like to see more of. (via Tom Taylor)

  21. Bootstrap, from Twitter

    Twitter’s CSS/HTML frameworky thing, which I keep forgetting about.

  22. Foundation: Rapid Prototyping and Building Framework from ZURB

    Lots of CSS goodies. Grid, forms, etc. (via @hamstand)

  23. Skeleton: Beautiful Boilerplate for Responsive, Mobile-Friendly Development

    Looks like a nice bunch of CSS/JS, not that I ever get round to using these things. (via Mildlydiverting)

  24. Jezdez/django_compressor - GitHub

    “Combines and compresses linked and inline Javascript or CSS in a Django templates into cacheable static files by using the compress template tag.” Can work with Sass CSS I believe.

  25. Compass Home | Compass Documentation

    “An open-source CSS Authoring Framework” which uses Sass. There’s always more to learn.

  26. Sass - Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets

    “Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more.” Compiles sass files into CSS files.

  27. Golden Grid System

    This looks very nice. Making a stretchable grid for web pages, that changes the number of columns depending on the page width. I want to play with this. (via Waxy)

  28. Pelme/django-compress - GitHub

    Looks good: a tool for automatically (or only when asked) compressing and combining CSS and JavaScript files used on a Django project.

  29. Kindle typography

    Going to some lengths to make Kindle typography better using JavaScript and CSS.

  30. A List Apart: Articles: A Simpler Page

    A bit about the problems of formatting long-form stuff for different screens, and then his solution, Bibiotype, an HTML/CSS/JS template, which is really gorgeous.

  31. Implementing a Fixed Position iOS Web Application - Google Mobile Developer Products - Google Code

    Brilliant: how to (a) make page elements fixed on iOS Safari (which doesn’t acknowledge position:fixed, grrrr) and (b) do scrolling with momentum. Gmail in iOS Safari is very swish.

  32. HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome.

    Even if you don’t use the whole thing, it’s a nice collection of handy little JavaScript/CSS/.htaccess techniques in one place.

  33. CSS3 Transition - iPhoneWebDev | Google Groups

    Occasionally useful thread from 2009 about CSS3 transitions, hardware acceleration, etc on iPhones

  34. Introduction - iui - iUI Introduction Wiki Page. - Project Hosting on Google Code

    A JavaScript/CSS framework thing for making web apps on iPhones etc. Haven’t looked into it yet.

  35. CSS for iPhone 4 (Retina display) « Thomas Maier – web & communication designer

    Including CSS only for devices with the iPhone 4’s pixel resolution. (This is all getting more complex than all that copying with NS4, IE5, Mac IE5, etc, etc.) (via Daring Fireball)

  36. A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Web Design

    Good description of making more flexible, multi-device HTML/CSS structures. For those of you not caring about IE support.

  37. TouchScroll, a scrolling layer for WebKit mobile [update] « – the Ajax and JavaScript Experts

    Re-implementing scrolling for WebKit Mobile web browsers. Haven’t looked at the code yet, but the demo seems good.

  38. with Thomas Fuchs » Blog Archive » Making an iPad HTML5 App & making it really fast

    Some handy tips, although some assume you’re building a website *only* for the iPad, and don’t need to worry about other platforms.

  39. Dealinium - jSlideTouch for Ipad & Iphone/Ipod using jQuery for content sliding

    Sliding content in a fixed-size element left/right or up/down on web pages on iPhone, iPad etc.

  40. iScroll | Matteo Spinelli’s

    A way to do scrolling content in a webpage in a fixed size element on iPhone. eg, lists of things.

  41. HOWTO: Native iPhone/iPad apps in JavaScript

    Nice, clear, simple summary of making websites work more like apps when viewed on iPhone/iPad.

  42. HTML5 Readiness

    Handy (HTML5/CSS3) diagram of which HTML5/CSS3 features are in which browsers. (Upshot: I can’t use any of it yet for production sites.) (via Daring Fireball)

  43. Revised Font Stack | A Way Back

    More thoughts on good CSS font stacks. (via Tom Taylor)

  44. Boks - A Visual Grid Editor - Toki Woki.

    An AIR application that generates customised CSS etc files for use with the Blueprint CSS framework. Handy.

  45. 960 Gridder - Lay out websites with ease.

    Handy bookmarklet that overlays a grid on top of the current web page.

  46. Building iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

    Sounds like an interesting, free, online book for those of us unlikely to learn real programming any time soon. (via Infovore)

  47. Pure CSS opacity and how to have opaque children, css, xhtml, Steven

    Because I keep forgetting this and having to look it up again.

  48. Web design Q&A - Doctype

    “A free question and answer site for web designers. You can ask questions about CSS, HTML, web design and email design.”

  49. Cufón - fonts for the people

    A way to do pretty fonts nicely in web pages other than sIFR. (I haven’t tried it.)

  50. The 1KB CSS Grid by Tyler Tate :: A simple, lightweight approach

    As simple as a grid-based CSS framework thing could be. (via Infovore)

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