Links tagged with “computers”
Papercraft Models — Rocky Bergen
For a rainy day. (via Things Magazine)
Untangling the Tale of Ada Lovelace—Stephen Wolfram Blog
Nice summary of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage. I realised how little I actually knew about them. (via @cityofsound)
[Updated] The rise and fall of personal computing | asymco
Just spent a while trying to find these graphs, having seen them once before. So now they’re here. Really interesting, market share of computing platforms since 1975.
Cambridge University - CamTV - Video and Audio - The Phillips Machine with Allan McRobie
Video of the machine that simulates the economy using water. A few years back I couldn’t even find a picture of this thing. The internet’s getting better.
Toshiba Storage Devices
2.5” hard drives, only go up to 100GB so far.
- - UK Data Storage specialists - IDE 2.5” 100-120gb
When’s that 120GB going to be available…?