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Links tagged with “cityoflondon”

  1. Walkways in the sky: the return of London’s forgotten ‘pedways’ | Cities | The Guardian

    Oliver Wainwright on the City of London’s highwalks. Some nice old photos.

  2. 2015-03-18 Bernard Morgan House Brochure.pdf - Google Drive

    On Golden Lane. I really like this understated post-war police section house. I may be pessimistic, but I assume it will be replaced with something much bulkier, less human-feeling. We’ll see. (via The Ben Jonson House Blog)

  3. A City of London report on potential options for improving Beech Street (PDF)

    The phrase “lipstick on a pig” springs to mind, because there’s so little that’s feasible. Making the road more pleasant, somehow, *and* improving access to the podium level, *and* getting rid of the yellow Exhibition Halls tunnel up there, would all be good.

  4. A Typographic Survey of the City of London: Part One

    Part One of a revised, longer, edition of a film about the City’s typography which was around a few years back but was taken offline. Other part(s) to come, apparently.

  5. Barbican, 1969 - YouTube

    Documentary about the Barbican, including footage of the then nearly-completed buildings, and (at 15:40) a look inside one of the show flats.

  6. Around City of London in Colour aka London Scenes - British Pathe

    Some nice bits of (silent) colour film of the City of London from 1961. (Thanks Mum!)

  7. New Statesman - The tax haven in the heart of Britain

    Not sure why I didn’t save this link at the time, in February. Nicholas Shaxson on the City of London.

  8. City property deals benefit a developer linked to lord mayor | UK news | The Guardian

    Could it be that the Corporation of London is going to finally get some of the investigation and poking the shady, undemocratic institution deserves? That “path of progress” euphemism is horrible in itself.

  9. David Long :: Hidden City

    “The Secret Alleys, Courts and Yards of London’s Square Mile” Sounds like a good read.

  10. Cyclists in the City: HGVs - Time to make common cause with pedestrians and motorcyclists?

    Some figures on how pedestrian and cycle casualties are caused in the City. Only 5% of pedestrian casualties are the result of cyclists, although pedestrians generally feel cyclists are dangerous. 

  11. A Room to Let in Old Aldgate | Spitalfields Life

    Some lovely 19th century photos of the area around the City, Spitalfields, Barbican, etc.

  12. YouTube - Look at Life - Top People, 1960

    Men in flat caps without harnesses working high above the City of London (Golden Lane Estate, London Wall, etc). Lots more ‘Look at Life’ on the right, too.

  13. YouTube - BBC Town Planning Programme circa 1961

    Featuring the Barbican area, London Wall, etc. A shame the clip is so short. More, more!

  14. The Sweeney Forum • View topic - London Wall

    Stills from films/shows like ‘Blow Up’, ‘The Italian Job’ and ‘The Return of the Saint’ featuring London Wall and Barbican highwalks, compared with photos from 2010.

  15. Stalled building sites in Square Mile to become allotments | News | Architects Journal

    Temporary grow bag allotments, but still, better than nothing. (But not as good as having Milton Court undemolished either.)

  16. :: View topic - Has anyone else received the faulty postal vote forms?

    This all sounds a bit dodgy, in the City of London’s bizarre version of democracy.

  17. A Typographic Survey of the City of London on Vimeo

    Lovely little video about the typography used in public throughout the City. Only criticism: sound recording is very poor quality. Otherwise, fab. (via Blech)

  18. HS_LicensedVenueList.pdf (application/pdf Object)

    City of London venues licensed for weddings.

  19. Corporation of London - Development & planning - Planning applications

    Proposal to create a brand new flat at the bottom of one of the Barbican towers, in a “void space”. See the PLANNING REPORT for some pics.

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