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Links tagged with “boingboing”

  1. Lessons from 10 years of Pepys’s diaries online - Boing Boing

    Oh, that’s nice, Cory’s blogged my Pepys talk on Boing Boing. Thanks Cory! (via @caxtonian)

  2. Yakuza 3 reviewed by Yakuza - Boing Boing

    As @revdancatt said, news organisations should do features with custom designs, like Boing Boing have done with this one. Lovely. Interesting. Doesn’t look like the front end to a database.

  3. London cops reach new heights of anti-terror poster stupidity - Boing Boing

    It’s hard to believe these posters aren’t some kind of parody. And it’s hard to react without using clichés (1984, Orwellian, etc).

  4. Big Tent Atheism - Boing Boing

    I often wonder what a really populist atheism would look like. Could it exist? If so, would it look like anything?

  5. Flashbake: Free version-control for writers using git - Boing Boing

    Sounds nice and some lovely little features like saving info about the weather, etc when it automatically checks your files in. Contextual backup.

  6. Boing Boing: BBC Trustees agree to let BBC infect Britain with DRM

    I often find Cory’s anti-DRM rants too much. But sometimes I feel as angry as he does and it all seems quite appropriate. I like the BBC and I don’t want to see idiots slowly destroy it.

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