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Links tagged with “blogs”

  1. Advent of Bloggers (Series) | James’ Coffee Blog

    A nice idea, because aside from links to specific posts, it’s rare for people to write about and recommend entire blogs. (via Adactio)

  2. Maya’s subscriptions

    Good blogroll. Also, view source: it’s an OPML file made pretty with XSL. (via Kicks Condor)

  3. 365posterblog. – All the best vintage graphics and poster news from around the web

    Not just posts about nice posters but also lots for sale. (via @undermanager)

  4. Electric Flapjack Guitars

    I really enjoy Michael’s weeknotes about making electric guitars. I know nothing about making things like this but he explains the problems, thoughts and solutions clearly.

  5. All Things Linguistic

    A blog about linguistics, by Gretchen McCulloch, focusing on the net and space and that kind of thing. Loads of fascinating posts. (via Ask MeFi)

  6. prosthetic knowledge

    This tumblr of design/art/tech right now is very, very good. (via @iamdanw I think)

  7. Municipal Dreams

    A blog with long posts about the history of UK social housing, planning, etc. (via Wowhaus)

  8. MyWord Editor is open source

    Could be good. Who knows. I like the idea anyway. Blog-hosting server and client, both open source. (via @benbrown)

  9. All My Blogs Are Dead - The Awl

    A writer on all the blogs and news sites he’s written for which no longer exist online. Paper magazines and newspapers ultimately have greater longevity. (via Waxy)

  10. The Modern House Blog | Modern Architecture, Design & Property

    I somehow missed that the estate agents for modernists properties have a really good blog: architects, exhibitions, books, properties, etc.

  11. Futurist-blogs.xls

    A spreadsheet of blogs about the future. (via Houston Futures)

  12. Dead Media Beat: tech blogs | Beyond The Beyond

    Sterling on various blog posts wondering Bout the death of blogging. I read a lot of blogs, but I don’t read any of those “professional” blogs the pundits say are dying. I won’t notice.

  13. The End of Blogging | The New York Observer

    Often, as here, the people noticing “the end of blogging” seem to have a very, very narrow definition of what “blogging” is. Thankfully, they’re wrong. (via Waxy)

  14. Dataists

    “Our goal is to bring well-written articles on big data processing, statistics and statistical programming, and machine learning to one place.” (via BERG)

  15. Historical Blogging

    Pretty fantastic. Students from The Anderson School in New York created blogs, IM chats and blog comments for American Civil War-era characters. Have a read.

  16. Newspaper Club - A work in progress

    Just down the corridor Russell, Ben and Tom are doing some marvellous things, and sharing their progress. This will be awesome.

  17. Mapping the Brainysphere: 29 blogs switched-on gamers should read « Subject Navigator

    I was looking for one or two good games blogs to follow and found too many. Choices choices.

  18. Google Open Source Blog: Google Blog Converters 1.0 Released

    Excellent - scripts to convert between Blogger, LiveJournal, MovableType and WordPress. I reckon every single online service should have an “Export” button and nag you if you haven’t backed-up in a while. (via Tom Taylor)

  19. Remember to breathe: Catching up a bit

    I’m loving Eric’s account of being at LISPA. Nicely written and very reflective. He’s the father of someone I was there with until July, and is now doing the course himself!

  20. High-Design Bible Draws Attention -

    A brief mention for Pepys’ Diary and a quote from me.

  21. LRB · Thomas Jones: Short Cuts

    “The best of the lot, though, is the diary of Samuel Pepys, which a web designer called Phil Gyford has been posting in daily instalments since 2003…” Hurrah!

  22. Today’s Blog Music / The Hype Machine - discover, listen and buy music discussed on the best mp3 blogs

    MP3 blog aggregator that lets you play the aggregated music in a Flash player.

The most common tags

  1. webdevelopment (833)
  2. london (399)
  3. uk (357)
  4. music (308)
  5. mac (190)
  6. javascript (187)
  7. lrb (176)
  8. history (161)
  9. css (161)
  10. maps (159)
