Links tagged with “atheism”
Christians aren’t being driven out of public life – they’re just losing their unfair advantages
“Just as some men bleat that they are the oppressed because of feminism, Odone confuses a loss of advantage with an act of oppression. This is the shock of those who are losing their divine right to dominate.” (via @tomstuart)
‘Not believing in God makes life more precious’: meet the atheist ‘churchgoers’ | World news | The Guardian
A few years ago I was wondering what an atheist Sunday “service” would be like. here we are.
Atheism Should End Religion, Not Replace It - Room for Debate -
Brief bit by Penn Jillette, very good. (via Kottke)
‘Militant secularisation’ taking hold of British society, says Lady Warsi | World news | The Guardian
When an absence of something — a null-state, no religion, an appreciation of the world as it actually is — is branded as “militant secularisation”, you’re being a little crazy. I wouldn’t say you were a “religious extremist” but, well, you know.
Big Tent Atheism - Boing Boing
I often wonder what a really populist atheism would look like. Could it exist? If so, would it look like anything?
Gene Expression: Atheists for a Christian Europe?
Has percentages for “no religion” census choices in various countries. (via Oblomovka)
Wired 14.11: The Church of the Non-Believers
Dawkins, Dennett, Sam Harris. (via The Same River Twice)