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  1. Nashville (1975)

    Saw this for the first time last night… godlike genius. On at the NFT until 19th January.

  2. Bloggerheads (UK) - Jerry Springer, the BBC, Mediawatch UK, and those f**king c**ts at The Sun

    Wonderful deconstruction of the insane rabid Christians’ and tabloids’ mindless campaign. The ironies keep on coming.

  3. The Linux Consultancy - Technical Information

    Two wonderfully clear tutorials on PEAR’s HTML_QuickForm and Smarty (PHP stuff).

  4. A Decade of Webdesign

    Or “A Decade of Bad Webdesign”? Near-illegible text and it’s impossible to tell what is and isn’t a link.

  5. David Raynes: Workflow 0.5

    Movable Type plugin that lets you transfer ownership of an entry. Early days, sounds good so far.

  6. BBC Radio Streams

    Direct links to streams to avoid the rarely-working-in-Mac-Firefox Audio on Demand pop-up.

  7. LRB | Michael Byers : On Thinning Ice

    Good, but thoroughly depressing. We’re going to die. Or our children are.

  8. Keyboard Trays, Index

    Another US place, but with the Back2 Banana Board & Pinnacle Arm at $364.

  9. Ergoboy: Keyboard Trays

    In US, but same model and 1/3 price of Back2. $147-$250.

  10. Ergonomics Society: resources - products and services links

    Would be better if the precious few UK ones were more obvious, but still handy.

  11. Tall Persons Club GB & Ireland

    There’s a club for everyone.

  12. Ergomart Keyboard Trays

    In the US, but lots of specs and a good sell. Up to $189.

  13. Essex History | Metafilter

    My almost-ten-years-old Domesday Witham site got Metafiltered.

  14. Seb’s Open Research - backlink feeds

    And a post about Commentlogging beneath that.

  15. Photos: Mecha evolution | CNET

    The history of giant robot exoskeletons in five easy steps.

  16. cityofsound: Los Angeles: Grand Theft Reality

    Particularly for the deja vu photos of virtual and real LA.

  17. - Play is under siege

    USA Today advocates adaptively designed toys for kids (if not in so many words).

  18. - publish - PHP : Searching with PHP and MySQL

    If only all code examples were explained as well (and appeared so solid) as Cal’s.

  19. MVGroup

    Good collection of Bit Torrented documentaries, including ‘Connections’ (you have to register for forums to see the listings).

  20. Pas/Cal’s cover of Last Christmas

    A jolly picture and a free MP3. Merry Christmas!

  21. blinkx video search

    Search TV and radio broadcasts. Works nicely, although clips are a bit short. “Smart Folders” (if you’re on Windows) sound good.

  22. This Magazine: The Rebel Sell

    “If we all hate consumerism, how come we can’t stop shopping?” via haddock

  23. Access Magazine

    “Official magazine of the University of California Transportation Center” available for download twice yearly.

  24. Soho Theatre - Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players

    Went last night and it was a lot of fun - on till 23rd December.