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  1. Doppler Music Player for Mac and iOS

    I’m always on the verge of trying an alternative to Apple’s and this looks good. Maybe…

  2. Advent of Bloggers (Series) | James’ Coffee Blog

    A nice idea, because aside from links to specific posts, it’s rare for people to write about and recommend entire blogs. (via Adactio)

  3. New to EDC? Start Here. — Everyday Commentary

    Just a nice, pragmatic summary of the best torches, pens and knives.

  4. Modern CSS Reset / Global Styles

    This not only seems like a good modern version (which I could do with) but it’s extremely nicely explained. (via Adactio)

  5. “Democratic Architecture” — GS

    I like these small Donald MacDonald houses in San Francisco.

  6. Frinton Park Estate Mini Guide | Modernism in Metroland

    “The 48 page guide includes 37 colour images of the surviving houses, plus a history of the estate and a map.” (via Things Magazine)

  7. Brionvega

    Very nice re-makes of old hi-fi equipment. That 50th anniversary Totem system is only… €15,000! (via WowHaus)

  8. - Official Webshop

    Nice simple-looking coats (and other things). (via @flaneur)

  9. Catalog all your data on Disks, DVDs, and CDs with NeoFinder!

    Looks pretty impressive, for organising music, video, photos (Exif, IPTC, XMP data, and a map). For Mac, plus iOS apps for searching your database. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  10. Ye Olde Blogroll -

    “No one blogs any more,” they say. And yet…

  11. German resources - A language learners’ forum

    Lots of courses, exercises, exams, etc. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  12. German exercises - practice grammar online

    More of this. It helps me just to keep doing exercises but I soon exhaust any individual site. (vis Ask MetaFilter)

  13. Teaching Materials • Lehrmaterialien

    Low-tech but good and extensive German-language-learning worksheets and tests.

  14. The Yesterweb

    A Discord “… made up of netizens who acknowledge that today’s internet is lacking in creativity, self-expression, and good digital social infrastructure.” Seems a nice place. (via

  15. RhetTbull/osxphotos

    “Python app to export pictures and associated metadata from Apple Photos on macOS. Also includes a package to provide programmatic access to the Photos library, pictures, and metadata.” (via Colin Devroe)

  16. Marc’s Place - SetEXIFData

    Mac app front end to exiftool, for setting Exif data on photos and videos, including using a map to set their location. A bit harder to see existing Exif data nicely. (via Colin Devroe)

  17. My current photo library management solution – Colin Devroe

    Using the Mac Photos app for viewing only, and keeping the originals in dated folders.

  18. Matt Levine’s Money Stuff: Looking for Tether’s Money - Bloomberg

    Explaining how finance works. I’m glad he didn’t write economic text books decades ago because I might have stuck with economics A Level.

  19. Are your students struggling this semester? | Ask MetaFilter

    Interesting to read how consistently (US) students are struggling to work, pay attention, etc, this year.

  20. FSNotes App – Modern notes manager for macOS and iOS

    Another nice looking, open source, notes app with lots of features, including cloud syncing, links between notes, git versioning, inline images, encryption. (via FaveJet)

  21. Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation

    Looks like a nice OpenStreetMap-based mapping phone app, with offline maps. Also, open source, and no trackers. (via @MythicBeasts)

  22. Sweet Home 3D - Draw floor plans and arrange furniture freely

    Despite the cutesy name, this looks like a really good open source floorplanning software. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  23. Graphic Design History Resources - We Made This

    Links to loads of sites that contain loads of lovely graphic design images, put together by Alistair Hall. (via Web Curios)

  24. Station Identification – Petafloptimism

    A good turn of the wheel for the brain from Kim Stanley Robinson: “one must be anti-anti-utopian”.

  25. Moo Card Player -

    Using NFC tags stuck to Moo cards, triggering iOS Shortcuts, to play albums. Very nice.

  26. Transcribing Lil’ Kim | The Ethan Hein Blog

    As someone who doesn’t think much about the details of music I listen to, I love this analysis of the rhythm, rhymes, etc in this verse.

  27. White people with acoustic instruments covering rap songs | The Ethan Hein Blog

    Interesting thoughts, from 2018. e.g. I’d (stupidly) never noticed that it’s only white people who do covers of rap songs.