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  1. Yahoo! Tracker

    Graph showing changing popularity over time of particular photos at Yahoo!

  2. Kurt Vonnegut: Cold Turkey (at AlterNet)

    Ramble about the state of America.

  3. Nickelback vs Nickelback

    Are they by any chance related?

  4. New AlterNet design

    Lovely and clean. Uses tables, but I can’t say I blame them.

  5. Cityofsound: The Black Rider

    Went to see this last night: excellent. A bit like ‘Shock-headed Peter’ but harder to understand.

  6. The relevance of

    It’s, like, hard to understand. Innit.

  7. The War Against Silence reviews the two most recent Mountain Goats albums

    Really, every time I hear the Mountain Goats I smile, I feel like crying, and paranoia sets in. It doesn’t get better.

  8. JavaScript Rollovers: Introduction - Doc JavaScript

    But frankly, we need to go back to last century to do rollovers that will work everywhere. Sigh.

  9. CSS Sprites: Image Slicing’s Kiss of Death: A List Apart

    Although this method of CSS rollovers works better on Mac IE.

  10. Fast Rollovers Without Preload (CSS)

    So I don’t lose the link again.

  11. Open Terminal Here

    Handy AppleScript that opens a Terminal session in the current Finder directory (or in any folders you drop on it).

  12. Bowblog: World’s oldest company?

    In Japan there’s a 1,400 year old family-owned building firm.

  13. phpSniff

    Comprehensive PHP-based browser / platform / etc. detector.

  14. Broadway Market: Quality Speciality Variety

    The Saturday farmers’ market is getting bigger and better every week.

  15. Ethnologue, Web Version

    Browsable database of information about which languages are spoken in which countries, and lots of details about each language.

  16. Big Brother Popularity Poll

    Graph showing changing popularity of housemates over time.

  17. Architect’s Footprints shoes from Birkenstock

    Why does no one in the UK appear to sell these things? I want comfy shoes!

  18. MP3 blogs: defining fair use

    Includes a list of links to weblogs that post MP3s for download.

  19. Seven tricks that Web users don’t know

    A brief summary of someone’s experience of performing user tests. Excellent ammunition.

  20. Creating accessible forms

    Clear, simple, everything you need to know.

  21. Scripting Eudora - getting set up

    It’s taken me the best part of an hour to find Eudora’s hidden Scripts folder. Grrr.

  22. BBC - East Midlands - Tour - Graphics - The Graphics Guy

    Every so often I Google for friends I’ve lost touch with. Occasionally they pop up. Hello Harry Whinney!

  23. Dracos - IE CSS bugs when using floats and background-color

    Another nasty Internet Explorer problem I was having the other day.

  24. Stopdesign | The IE Factor

    I wonder how much time has been globally wasted thanks to Internet Explorer’s awful handling of CSS.