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  1. IE Doubled Float-Margin Bug - CSS fixes and workarounds

    Because I keep hitting this bug and keep forgetting how to work around it.

  2. Which? - Expert advice from an independent source

    Brand new Which? site - I did some of the HTML/CSS. It looks nice.

  3. Folksongs of America: The Gordon Collection: American Folklife Center

    MP3s of music recorded onto wax cylinders in the 1920s with lyrics and extensive liner notes.

  4. Ninja Tune free music downloads, free video downloads

    A big bunch of tunes by Ninja Tunes folk for free download (MP3, Real and Windows Media).

  5. Guardian Unlimited Books | Review | Acting out

    Looking at how we react quicker physically than emotionally, and applying that to acting.

  6. gladwell dot com / The Ketchup Conundrum

    Ooh, I read this in Borders a few weeks ago - interesting stuff about why some things (like Coke/Pepsi) taste

  7. Flickr photo tool has it all and more

    Why Flickr is better than any other online photo library site.

  8. cityofsound: The Elephant Vanishes, Barbican, London

    Dan’s right, this was stunning. Like a live action performance of the most dreamy and complex music video you’ve ever seen.

  9. Flickr: Tags in the Fiona and Matt’s Wedding Pool

    Flickr keeps finding new ways to tickle my

  10. The Living Room Candidate

    Awesomely comprehensive collection of US presidential campaign TV adverts from 1952 to 2004 (doesn’t seem to work in Firefox).

  11. Phil Gyford on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

    Sorry, another photo of me at Matt and Fiona’s wedding, but I love this dark one.

  12. The New York Times

    And maybe, if you’re over there, you can print this out and take it with you when you go to vote.

  13. Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | ‘He’s just sleeping, I kept telling myself’

    Note to self: Next election, print this out and read it in the voting booth before making my mark.

  14. From geek to chef -

    Excellent. I keep a mental list of people who have given up full-time computers for

  15. The London Noise Map

    Click through to the ‘Interactive London Noise Map’. I’m speechless.

  16. Sunrise over London - a photoset on Flickr

    Some lovely shots with little landmarks.

  17. Francis is - What is Burning Man?

    Francis’ first Burning Man. Nice, to the point, description of the indescribable.

  18. TeledyN: Living with Webservices

    How might services like Flickr, and others link together better?

  19. Bryan Boyer’s Japan Strips

    Lovely vertical photos (click to see another).

  20. 43 Folders - A bunch of tricks, hacks

    Loving this weblog about being organised, particularly using OS X. Makes me feel like a woolly-minded scatterbrain by comparison.

  21. Mike Davidson: Introducing sIFR: The Healthy Alternative to Browser Text

    Replacing HTML text with Flash-rendered text just to make it look prettier seems like precious designer overkill to me. But it’s very clever and it does work.

  22. Tricks of the Trade

    New weblog. Brilliant!

  23. History flow

    Yummy visualisations of how Wikipedia pages change over time (look in the Gallery).

  24. Analysis of an artificial meme -

    Graphs showing how a meme spread through websites.