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  1. Mass Hysteria | RHOC | Substack

    Real Housewives Of Clapton expand from Insta with their funny, painful trend-spotting from the frontlines of London’s gentrification.

  2. Web dev craftsmanship | Go Make Things

    I’m not convinced we’re “on the verge of a renaissance” unfortunately. There are still bespoke suits, but it’s never going to be more than a small craft that’s only for those with money or time.

  3. The ‘Days Between Stations’ columns, Interview magazine 1992-2008: Why Counting Crows Really Count

    Another good piece about Counting Crows who, when I occasionally listen, feel like a guilty pleasure, so I enjoy a case for why it shouldn’t be guilty. (from 1998)

  4. The Miseducation of Kara Swisher | Edward Ongweso Jr.

    It boggles my mind that you could be writing about Silicon Valley since the 1990s and only in 2016 decide that it’s not entirely a force for good. Very “Are we the baddies?”

  5. Nitro® for macOS

    Interesting new photo-editing (and organisation?) app. A bit short on details so far, but I’m hoping it does everything I dream of.

  6. What Have Fourteen Years of Conservative Rule Done to Britain? | The New Yorker

    A good read, but what a mess we’re in. I feel even more hopeless about the country after reading this.

  7. Apple Fitness+ Studios Behind the Scenes: From Start to Finish | DC Rainmaker

    Lots of info about how all the workouts are planned, rehearsed, filmed, and edited. Fascinating.

  8. “This is just weird”: BuzzFeed News’ former royals reporter on Kate Middleton, Palace PR, and distrust in the media | Nieman Journalism Lab

    On how royal reporting works, plus a timeline of recent non-events and conspiracies of which I was mostly oblivious.

  9. Behind F1’s Velvet Curtain

    “… in America … To be a have-not and be talked to by the haves has an air of the farcical to it. Everything is just manners with nothing inside.”

  10. Walden Pond

    A monthly zine/book posted to you, generated from articles in your Pocket list. A bit Newspaper Club-like. (via

  11. Behold: the most comprehensive RDR2 completion-tracking spreadsheet … : reddeadredemption2

    On the one hand, turning a game into an exercise of completing a complex spreadsheet seems wrong, but on the other, this’ll be handy.

  12. How to Safely Pass Data to JavaScript in a Django Template - Adam Johnson

    I keep having to google for this handy guide when I want to link to it for someone.

  13. Release Notes: How to make self-hosted maps that work everywhere and cost next to nothing • MuckRock

    Anything I knew about making maps is very out of date so, for future reference. ( via Simon Willison)

  14. Static Site Generators and CMS’s | Go Make Things

    I haven’t looked at any of these but have occasionally looked for such things, and here some are.

  15. Intrepid Camera

    A nice bunch of things, like large format cameras and LED-powered enlargers, handmade in the UK. (via The Online Photographer)

  16. How I Fell for an Amazon Scam Call and Handed Over $50,000

    Horrible. Phones were a mistake. (via

  17. furialog - Lotteries We All Lose

    On Spotify playlists etc. “…most people listen in ways that seem likely to be earnest expressions of their love. That love can be collated with very simple math.”

  18. How the Pursuit of Status Shapes Our Aesthetics: Talking with David Marx – Put This On

    Good stuff, from last year. I should read the book. (via Russell’s Afternoon Slow)

  19. What really caused the sriracha shortage? 2 friends and the epic breakup that left millions without their favorite hot sauce | Fortune

    I’ve never had the stuff so was oblivious to any shortage, but still interesting. (via Rob Hinchcliffe)

  20. Lost Highway, by Emily Gogolak

    Enjoyed this about learning to drive a truck in the US. (via Scope of Work)

  21. P&B: Phil Gyford – Manu

    Me interviewed for Manuel Moreale’s People and Blogs series.

  22. A Teen’s Fatal Plunge Into the London Underworld | The New Yorker

    Good, sad, alarming read about an unsolved probably-not-suicide.

  23. Find Cities in Your Budget - The Earth Awaits

    Filter global cities by cost of living, crime rate, pollution, language, attitudes, healthcare, etc.

  24. Rebecca Solnit · In the Shadow of Silicon Valley: Losing San Francisco

    On San Fransisco, tech billionaires, and Solano County. “…tech is returning us to a kind of feudalism…” “You can’t really be in favour of both democracy and billionaires…”

  25. The Cheap Web

    “The websites of Patrick Colison, Edward Tufte, and Phil Gyford are thriving examples of cozy HTML cabins.” (via Web Curios)

  26. Links on Status and Culture - January 2024

    For the entire section on Macro vs four kinds of Micro culture/content.

  27. Hippy, capitalist, guru, grocer: the forgotten genius who changed British food | Food | The Guardian

    I only knew fragments of this story about Nicholas Saunders, Neal’s Yard, Monmouth Cafe, etc.