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  1. On Nighttime

    Hanif Abdurraqib’s lovely essay on being awake at night (which I happened to read at 1.20am when I couldn’t sleep). (via Buckslip)

  2. Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)

    I’ve never worked on a project with these, but this is a great description of the ideas behind them, and the different categories of feature flags. (via Simon Willison)

  3. The Online Photographer: Ten Iconic Photographs: No. 10

    I’m enjoying this series of posts. The background and context is always more interesting than I expect writing about a single photo to be.

  4. The Barbican Estate: An Architectural Masterpiece Under Threat

    The “A History of Continual Expansion” document is fascinating, to see how the school has incrementally expanded over decades.

  5. blissblog: link think

    Simon Reynolds, for the first section on the sociality, or not, of blogging. (via Warren Ellis Ltd)

  6. reading-activitypub

    “This document is for programmers who take one look at, click on through to the documentation, and can’t make heads or tails of it.” I did that, so maybe this will be handy if I try again. (via

  7. Ionaru/easy-markdown-editor: EasyMDE

    I’ve tried several textarea-improving things and this one is just the ticket for my needs.

  8. What I Learned Trying To Secure Congressional Campaigns (Idle Words)

    Entertaining and interesting. “You will fare especially badly if you have written an app to fix politics.” (via @gwire)


    Tools for turning web pages into newspaper-style PDFs, generating RSS feeds for sites that don’t have them, etc. (via Ask MetaFilter)

  10. The Real Reason Fans Hate the Last Season of Game of Thrones - Scientific American Blog Network

    Clickbaity title, but interesting on sociological vs psychological storytelling. (via Buckslip)

  11. things magazine (Kicks Condor)

    A new favourite web explorer interviews an old (and still) favourite web explorer about the past and present of blogging etc.

  12. 1MB

    Free hosting for static sites up to 1MB in size, no images, simple database, custom domains, SSL. (via Kicks Condor)

  13. Kicks Condor

    Not just an unusual blog design but loads of good writing about the web and interesting links. (via Things Magazine)

  14. Little Printers | Nord Projects - a design and technology consultancy

    A new iOS app and platform for bringing your Little Printer back to life.

  15. OdleForums

    A small forum for WebFaction users to discuss where to go, now that GoDaddy owns WebFaction.

  16. Electric Flapjack Guitars

    I really enjoy Michael’s weeknotes about making electric guitars. I know nothing about making things like this but he explains the problems, thoughts and solutions clearly.

  17. Low cost index trackers that will save you money

    I’d forgotten this occasionally-updated post existed.

  18. Corporate anthems - YouTube

    Dave Green’s playlist of more than 70 of these awful things.

  19. Warren Ellis Production Ident Roger Strunk

    Nice write-up of designing a three second TV ident for Warren Ellis.

  20. A Good Vimrc

    Lots of good tips here I hadn’t seen before.

  21. Five Books | The best books on everything

    Experts recommend the five best books on different topics, sometimes very (too?) specific. Reminds me of that Septivium thing I started that never went anywhere. (via Kottke)

  22. Cathode | Secret Geometry

    “Cathode is a fully customizable terminal app with a look inspired by classic computers.” Looks both absurd and brilliant.

  23. The story of London’s tech scene, as told by those who built it | WIRED UK

    Or, a spotty history of some mostly venture-funded big digital businesses from only the past decade.

  24. Anna Shipman : JFDI - Finance for non-accountants

    Nice clear explanation of profit and loss, balance sheets, etc.

  25. Techwear – An Observation | The Rosenrot | For The Love of Avant-Garde Fashion

    On the history and current wearers of techwear. “A girl with an out of place chest rig and ill-fitting jacket is a fodder for thirsty boys.”

  26. What is a sustainable withdrawal rate for a world portfolio? | Monevator

    I’ve read many times that a 4% “safe withdrawal rate” is too optimistic, but not a simple breakdown like this of the adjustments to it that one should make.

  27. Post-post-collapse fiction? - scifi sf sciencefiction | Ask MetaFilter

    “fiction taking place after society has begun to rebuild itself” (via Things Magazine)

  28. Amy Bennett

    She makes dioramas of miniature landscapes and buildings and then does paintings from these still lives. (via Things Magazine)